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Member Since:Apr 02, 2011
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IFB Washing machines: Good buy
Reviewed IFB Senator VX
After buying the IFB Senator, I am Now convinced that IFB is the best brand when it comes to washing machines and other home appliances. I previously had an Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on arunswaroop's review
True; I have the same model. I have not had any problem with it. But i keep getting calls from Dell to subscribe to their extended warranty, so that i can save expenses if something fails. This is not a good way to make money!
Commented on ravekt's review
1. A motherboard does not cost 17000 2. Your Laptop is still in warranty. Get it fixed
Commented on vijaybpharma's review
Its a problem with either the battery or the charger (pin and/or adapter)
Commented on mygoodbadexp's review
Incomplete review! Components can fail. All companies components fail. Tell us if IFB took any measure to solve the issue. IF the issue gets solved, then you got no matter to be pissed about. Your machine has a 4 year warranty. Get it fixed.
Commented on own review
It has almost been a year since i wrote this review. I am happy to let you know that the Senator still works as it used to when i got it the first time. The noise has increased a bit, but it is tolerable.
Commented on arihantjain77's review
I do not understand! Am i the only one that got a 4 year warranty with an IFB machine? Why are you people signing contracts within 2 years?
Commented on cashewnut3019's review
IFB has a 4 year warranty period on everything, not just the motor. There is not need for an annual contract.
Commented on malpani's review
Is this a review? Install a calendar app, if the android one does not work. How hard is that? Alternate: Upgrade to ICS when it comes.
Commented on jayanta.poddar's review
Seems like a one in a thousand case. I have used the S2. It truly is the best smartphone ever. @Saurabhibm; Samsung chat is not a smarphone. Second most android phones share common parts. Last but not the least, all phones are made in China.
Commented on arundhati97's review
Reset phone. Most service centers in India are outsourced, not maintained by company. And most companies do not offer replacements in India. Reset the phone and then upgrade firmware to Android 2.3.6 After ICS update comes, upgrade again!
Commented on
@deepsax; Thank you for your review; but you are wrong in one thing. Tradus is not a chinese group. Its parent group is Naspers, a south african company
Commented on aravinda.g's review
haha, @aquarius_83; clear your facts. Ibibo is a venture of Naspers group, not Reliance. Not saying that they are the best, but provide authentic information to other users.
Commented on anujkg's review
Hi Anuj, Try calling 033 40166503. First they will say that this is not Timtara’s number. But be persistent. Ask for Mr. Arijit or Mr. raja to come on the phone and explain about the situation! Most likely they offer a cheap replacement for the product that you order! In end, they only sell w Read More...
Commented on avnishkverma's review
i would suggest, you initiate a refund immediately! They take 2 months even to deliver the refund.
Avnish, Try calling 033 40166503. First they will say that this is not Timtara's number. But be persistent. Ask for Mr. Arijit or Mr. raja to come on the phone and explain about the situation! Most likely they offer a cheap replacement for the product that you order! In end, the only sell what Read More...
Commented on ripoffthebad's review
Ask for refund immediately! i have had two torturing experiences on Timtara. They are just using your money for their own good. They neither have the good with them, nor have a proper communication channel. Ask for Mr. Raja when you call them. Arijit just gives false promises. In the end, they off Read More...
Bought it last year around Diwali, when there was a cash back offer running from IFB. The city is Vadodara, Gujarat
This is a comment not by a sales person, its a comment from a person who has used a previous IFB machine for 12 years and now this one. I did not say that this machine was without any flaws There are some people who do not like high washing machine noise, i would clearly recommend LG direct d Read More...
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