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Member Since:Oct 18, 2008
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Education: BE/B.Tech
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Estilo or WagonR??
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen Estilo
First of all apologies that its not a review but wud like to seek genuine advice I’m planning to exchange ny Maruti 800 with a car from Maruti stable..I had nRead more...
Milege is a concern
Reviewed Hyundai Getz
GETZ is very good vehicle as per its interiors, its comfort and gives a good feel of sitting in a premium car. Its legroom offered is the best in its class anRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Brad123's review
This is xtreamly disgusting and too cheap a way to mint money...I feel sorry for you. why dont you mention the name and location of the hotel so as people may wish to re-think to approach that hotel in the future.. tc and keep shattering keys!!!
Rated on Brad123's review
Commented on liby's review
Hi mimneskesde , The waiting time for Maruti dzire is more than 2-3 months offically..actually may be even much more..same issue with Swift.... Dont just decide/reject upon a car looking at waiting period..this story is almost everywhere..only its the matter of the right dealer to look upon. Read More...
Rated on goelsav's review
Commented on goelsav's review
My friend Pls mention specific features like performance, mileage, safety, highway performance..dos and donts etc which may persuade a person to go / no go for this vehicle. We are here to write reviews which are specific to the product parameters....and not philosophies and lectures..Cheers
Commented on softklick's review
Hi Softclick..I have heard both +ves and the critics about Estilo..In fact i do have review wagonR Vs estilo under my name in MS...but pls ..pls i need very sincere, unbiased advice on the safety part of Estilo..unbiased one please!! Hows the stability of the car in highways?? and while taking sh Read More...
Commented on own review
Thanks Zaib and nrmst..for your advice...I am in a better position to deicide upon....Cheers
Commented on simranD's review
Thats sad..even I am of the very same carcastic opinion for Air India.. Some 6 yrs back I was travelling to Singapore.by AI....Doono why my Co booked in such a 4 th class airline...............The airhostess was so rudely talking to a person who was not so conversant in English and shouting na Read More...
Commented on ashutoshagr2001's review
Hi Ashutosh, Is Versa.. looking at its size and shape SAFE on highways?..I mean till what max speed it can be taken without much wobbling or getting into a risky situation..?? Personally I dont exceed 100kmph as I dont feel comfortable and just dont dare to do it! I did like the space manag Read More...
Commented on sureedu's review
Mr Murthy, Yes you are correct that Maruti 800 CC cars are ineffective as per the AC is concerned..as factory fitted ACs are not successful when it comes to maruti 800.....The best approach to it is to buy a Non AC car and get AC fitted from outside. You may wish to select the person who deals Read More...
VIJATHJ..i own the most earlier version 1.3 and NOT Prime..I would personally suggest you to go with 1.3 as it has more capacity to take on its weight...the old Getz is a bit underpoweredeven at 1.3..i hope in prime they wud have done some weight reductions to have a better balance...In fact mainly Read More...
Hi Dennyjos, I had already updated in prev comment that Im currently getting 11kmpl..which is just sort of ok..earlier I was getting 8.5 which was quite low..The readings above are post servicing and tuning adjustment for normal pickup at Hyundai service station.
Commented on nanands's review
Hi, I'm planning to exchange ny Maruti 800 with a car from Maruti stable..I had narrowed down on WagonR and Estilo..but still am more narrowed on estilo on a forced ranking....but p'ple say as its having cornering issues and not fit for highway ride etc..Pls guide me which one to opt for..My concern Read More...
Commented on Debarati's review
Mr Kedar, Wagon R is one of the best cars in this segment. It is technically sound and places very well in the value for money proposition. Just saving on fuel may end up urself spending on other expenses..yes spare cost replacement cost in Fiesta or Verna is on much higher side...the overall Read More...
Commented on rohitkamat26's review
Mr Arvind, Getz is the one of the best cars in its segment. Its comparison with merc may be subjective, but if you compare the same with Swift , Getz any day edges over it..No doubt!!!. I wud say that unfortunately our mindset always remains towards just FE, FE and only FE..which is agai Read More...
Commented on sanjayoak's review
Very well said, if one is enjoying luxury, comfort and safety, he/she must Not bother about fuel efficiency. If a vehicle may be fuel efficient but one may have to spend on other expenses so indirectly its all comes to square one, as no vehicle is a perfect one on everything :) Enjoy dude and k Read More...
Hi, just to add to my previous comment, that full-to full tank may not be sacrosant procedure as milage also depends on the weight of the vehicle. If you're on full tank, the body weight would increase by 30kgs or so depending tank capacity. This definately would reduce milage. Let me know if I make Read More...
I got it checked from Hyundai service station and and explained the problem regarding poor milage. Got its tuning adjusted for low pickup. Checked its milage by full-by-full tank method. Assuming 90% A/c usge..City driving only (in Chennai). Readings are as below: Difference in kms Read More...
Commented on ankur_gupta10's review
Hey Amit, What milage do u get in Petrain city?.. Also one more thing ..has Fiat (now by TATA)..R they still selling petra??..as someone told its being discontinued. Pls reply.
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