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West Bengal
Member Since:Jul 13, 2006
20 MS Points
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Education: college graduate
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An elaborate trap to defraud the customers
Reviewed Srijan Ozone - Narendrapur - Kolkata
If you care for your hard earned money, you should think twice before investing it here. I got completely ripped off in the name of independent parking, swimmRead more...
Duped me in the name of Jio Gigafiber
Reviewed Reliance Jio
I have fallen prey to a scam perpetrated by Reliance Jio. They called me and asked me if Im interested in thePreview Offer of Jio GiaFiber. Read more...
Changed the plan & policy term after payment
Reviewed HDFC Life Insurance
I learnt a very expensive lesson by losing Rs 25000/ - which I tried to invest in HDFC Lifes Sampoorn Samridhi. I had applied for this policy and paid aRead more...
Changed my itinerary 1 month after reservation !!
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
I booked a flight from Kolkata to Kochi for 18-Jan-2013.Flight No: 6E 345 Booking Reference: CWGKDE Departs: 10:10 AM Arrives at Kochi: 02:10 PM Spicejet waRead more...
Better to wait for the CD/DVD
Reviewed Pyaar Ke Side Effects
One would either go for this movie if he or she has seen Takshak, Jhankar Beats, Mumbai Matinee and expects the same kind of performance from Rahul Bose or onRead more...
Beware of Halden Luxury / Belts Scam
Reviewed Haldenluxury
I want to share my experience with Halden Luxury, an online brand claiming to offer premium belts and leather accessories for men. Despite their luxurious braRead more...
Commented on samatachari's review
Very well written and a very plausible cause for the frequent technical glitches. I think , this way they will lose lot of repeat customers like you. Doesn't that hurt their business?
Rated on samatachari's review
Commented on own review
@Gautam http://www.irda.gov.in/ADMINCMS/cms/NormalData_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo234&mid=7.2 Do not send email. Write a letter , attach copies of the docs related to your complaint and send by post.
Commented on rajiv99's review
If you have so much to complain about, why are you recommending it by setting 'Member's Recommendation' to 'Yes'
Rated on csgoel's review
@csgoel. Thanks for the suggestion. I have received my policy document and found that HDFC Life has changed the proposal form while issuing the policy. The form number is different from the acknowledgement. In changed proposal form the plan name has been changed, policy term has changed, my address Read More...
Rated on Annu642's review
Rated on mohitgarg81's review
Rated on Tony470's review
Rated on nehach1234's review
Rated on vvkmathi's review
Commented on vvkmathi's review
Too short to be a genuine review. The desperation to back up the review in the comment section confirms the sham.
Rated on justchilz's review
Rated on Hank_raz's review
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Followed fenil_seta
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