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Member Since:Feb 10, 2016
84 MS Points
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Shopclues is place where u find anything
Reviewed Shopclues
I am using shopclues from a long time. Shopclues is only shopping site where u can find all things of our need even we find belts trunk and also a socks shopcRead more...
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
Tikona broadband networks is one of the greatest internet service provider in India its offering several plan with several types of speed that fits in your buRead more...
Reviewed Lenovo K3 Note
Lenevo k3 note phone that comes with high specification and performance.I first experienced this great phone on my friends hand the looks of phone is very impRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Ravi97's review
ya it is very male bike its amazing
Commented on milinddodiya's review
good bike of long time in market
Commented on javedpatel1900's review
pulsar 180 pulsar name is great bike
Commented on shekhawatkaran1's review
bike 180 is great bike for youth and all to
Commented on tulli1234's review
this movie is boring to all public
Commented on kumar98899's review
u picked up well and movie is total waste of time
Commented on Galadhairya321's review
all concept is very bad no interest in this movie
Commented on singh465upendra's review
ya it is to boring for depu an ranbir fans
Commented on aryanpra16dec's review
yes u are right its awesome bro
Commented on pradeepnaik201's review
airlift movie is good to watch and is entertaning too
Commented on sinhapiyush1507's review
indian greatness shows by this movie akshay is the real hero
Commented on manishagarwal028's review
great to watch this movie well good movie
Commented on pujayourfriend0's review
akshay is real hero in our industry
Commented on aravsingh927's review
i think your bike is not serviced well
Commented on nagarajkappu's review
this bike is good for regular people
Commented on aslamranoli's review
honda shine is best bike in 125 cc segment
Commented on hussainibrahimi33's review
onam all all team worked well in that film
Commented on SanketShinde527's review
it is brave story of the girl neerja
Commented on abhenav's review
sonam played the very inpiring role in the film
Commented on gnani1's review
it is more convinient way of payment to all
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