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Member Since:Oct 27, 2004
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Education: BE Mechanical
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Reviewed Motorola E398
PROS: Looks like a phone in an Italian suit. Feels good to touch the phone too. Has a nice rubbery feel to it. Large bright screen Lots of freebies like daRead more...
Better than Corolla & Octavia
Reviewed Chevrolet Optra
I bought a blazing red Chevrolet Optra LT manual transmission in Aug 2004. I picked the Optra after checking out Elantra, Corolla and the Octavia - and trust Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sridharl's review
Commented on leoananth's review
Ananth - If Trichy has another dealer, try there. I had lots of problems with Sundaram Motors, Bangalore. But then I shifted to Garuda Motors - the service there is excellent. I recommend you complain to GM directly in writing about your AC problem.
Rated on leoananth's review
Commented on ferrarimodena360's review
Eventhough I am an owner of Chevrolet Optra 1.8LT and I like the car, I think Maruti Suzuku SX4 would be a better car for you. The top end version of SX4 has amazing features (205/60 R16 wheels, twin airbags, ABS/EBD, automatic climate control, audio controls on steering wheel etc). And it costs Read More...
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Commented on vinarora's review
wow. This is really bad. I think this might be one of those cars that didn't go through quality check properly - this is not something that you see in all optras. Write to Autocar India help section. They will put you in touch with GM directly. GM has to respond or end up getting bad press. Go Read More...
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Commented on supernovice's review
The car actually sways when you go over bad roads? There might be wheel alignment/ wheel balancing problem. Is the steering wheel stable or does it go crazy too? Take your car on an empty highway and take your hands off the steering wheel slowly at around 50 km/hr. See if the car goes to one sid Read More...
Rated on supernovice's review
Rated on kshadpour's review
Commented on subbarp's review
Your salesman is right. You will get used to the indicator stalk on the left. Actually, you will get so used to this that you will switch on the wipers frequently if you go back to driving your santro.
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