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Member Since:Sep 05, 2009
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Latest update from Mumbai-
Reviewed City Limouzines
Things have messed up, I personally callep up city limo office in mumbai and they asked us to hold the cheques till 25th of sept. Really, its too confusing!.Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on serene1303's review
I have gone thru today news paper, and EOW had said that they have not ask company to stop its business transaction, so this is little bit confusion, it means there account has not been freezed, I think they just want to escape and thats why they gone for amalgamation, directly they cannot declare t Read More...
Commented on rohit_k's review
What abou the people who have invested in the month of August 2009? Who havent recvd a single cheq, nor an agreement? I just want to know that, cause one of friend had invested in the month of August.
Commented on nishu21's review
what about the people who had invested money in AUGUST 2009, whose file yet has not been prepared? they havent mentioned for people woh have invested money recently
Commented on Sham123608's review
Guys, i think you are not reading the court order properly, who told that thousand of investors has to attend the meeting, when the quorum is fixed only for 20 people. U guys are not keeping patience, calling to school management about meeting, 21 days before meeting schedule will be published in FR Read More...
Commented on chikki2082's review
city limou and city real com will go for amalgamation they will work as one company as city hospitalities, which is listed on BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE, the company will go for official listing after their annual general meeting on 30th sept. The company will also enter in share market and there will be Read More...
rekha, i think you r illiterate,kindly visit the website www.citylimouzines.com and just see the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commented on dellko7074's review
Hey dudes! garwahare club is under renovation, so no meetings can be held up till 30th october and election in maharashtra prevails on 13th october, so to avoid any kind of inconvenience, court has postpone the meeting date on 14th oct at wilson high school , churchgate, and pls see to it the quorum Read More...
Rated on kawa7ki's review
Commented on kawa7ki's review
It doesnt provide any information, its useless and baseless, pls write something useful
Commented on Sonu1981's review
yes, i do agree the same, kindly analyse the news on INDIA TV, india tv has not yet confirm that company is fraud, on the contrary they have shown clearly that where they have invested those funds. They havent showed that company is fraud, pls analyse the news properly and I think we have to wait ti Read More...
Commented on buffy100's review
yes, hundred percent, correct, they have gone for amalgamation and do u know that they have also listing in Bombay Stock Exchange with the name city hospitalities india limited.
yes cityinvestorhyd, u r right, many known persons in mumbai may have already registered the case, but they r attending each and every customer, staff is there, office is there, they wud have ran away overnight if they want to declare they are bankrupt. As per my knowledge many person from police de Read More...
Yes, I told that ,but it is entirely depend upon the financial status of the company, right!!!!!! and one thing i came to know that they r going to merge these companies to city hospitalitites which is already under listing of SEBI as they want to issue IPO, so amalgamation is done for this purpose Read More...
City Limouzines and city Real Com have filed the petitions in the Month Mar 2009 for Amalgamation of these two Company in to one. On 09 Sep 2009 High Court has given an order for carrying on the amalgamation or merging two companies in to one. 07 Oct 2009 date has been fixed by High court Read More...
Commented on city_client_23's review
I visited Nariman Point Office 9th floor, and met with Mr. Santosh. He explained each and everything to my chairman of HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, We were in group, and he explained that everything will be resolved. Even, he received a call from one of the investor who had invested in pune, he was sho Read More...
Yes, they will decide, to restructure the current scheme, and will ask investors wether they want to transform their current scheme to a new scheme or else, principal amount will be refunded. I visited personally to city limo, yesterday, I am a member of JAN KALYAN EDUCATION TRUST ASSOCIATED WITH HU Read More...
Commented on jbrigenza's review
Dear all, 'Things have messed up, I personally callep up city limo office in mumbai and they asked us to hold the cheques till 25th of sept. Really, its too confusing!!!. Loosing hopes gradually, dont know what will happen tomorrow, as its a judgement day, the date is 09/09/09. If bel Read More...
Commented on Ravi1977's review
Its really disgusting,even i m also one of the investor, recently in the month of august dated 7th i have invested in two schemes of rs 2.5 lakh, i havent got even one cheque nor my file is prepared but the amount has already been deducted from my bank, i m really in tense what to do, nobody is answ Read More...
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