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Member Since:Oct 03, 2009
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Better get rid of iolo antivirus
Reviewed Choosing an AntiVirus Software
I used that antivirus last month which creats numerous problems for example my system got freezed some times and it took more memory space. iolo uses three dRead more...
Don't even think of go for HCL.
Reviewed HCL Laptops
I bought a HCl leaptop, after 2 months my lap got crashed and again tried to put Windows XP os in it but it refused to install it. Yet it agreed Windows VistaRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rajanvir1985's review
Hey this is very helpful for me, 'cause i planned to go ther for my higher studies comin jan ... tx bro...
Rated on rajanvir1985's review
Commented on corile's review
Hey, your laps age is just 1 month, wait for 2-3 months baby. You will be screwed. Welcome to the world of world's worstest product ever making... Come to join with us in party when You get screwed dude.
Rated on dwijenjhaveri's review
Commented on dwijenjhaveri's review
This review is completely a shit. He said no other lap brand offers below 65k. HCL motherboards are made by them based on intel archi(n't genuine intel boards) and producing lot and lot of heat even you can use HCL laps as a stove... My polite and kind requist to everyone, don't go for HCL even Read More...
Commented on mandert's review
Hey mandert what you said was absolutely true, last year I used reliance, at that time I paid 7,320 rupees for my usage even I knew that I'm n't used that much. Ambani, Tata & Shiv nadar are fuckers. These Indian basterd businessmen cheat whole indian people by inventing low cost much more poor qu Read More...
Commented on kr.tapas's review
Mr.Tapas might be a hcl employee, it seems that he is completely a fuckin out of laps knowledge. He said that HCL give competition for Sony, how can he say that. As my experiance about HCl, my sinciere advice and request to everyone, please don't buy HCL laptops. It's an indian product (Lack of Read More...
Commented on umangamco's review
Yes, umangamco is 100% right, I own a HCL Leaptop for 1 year sorry I owned it for 3 months and service centre guyz owned it for 7 months... Last week alone itz first anniversary, in that 1 yr I changed that s**t lap's motherboard, optical drive, display, and inbuild board fan and those service c Read More...
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