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Member Since:Nov 17, 2005
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Nothing much to say about but i will definitely say...I love being here.. This website is the perfect outlet for my li'll crancky (ppl find it that way) thoughts. what i write here is what i think. May be i am successful in twisting your imagination a bit... never-the-less Mouthshut makes me open my brain-mouth wide. :-). Write what you want to write.. xplain all what you can explain.. but be sure..your voice is reaching millions out there ... :-) Interest is in photography, online surf, cooling heels in some good place(last one I am lacking coz of my hectic schedule)
About Me
Education: unfortunately Well Qualified
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Digital Vs Phone cam - Part II
Reviewed Nikon F80
PART -II In two parts - My review and Your comments..... Frankly the hunt for information will never end. I hunted for information for these, But at time foRead more...
The King is Back with a New Appeal
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K790i
Did you expect a movie story about Sharukh Khan? He he... sorry to disappoint you guys but that’s not the story here. I am going to be the first probablRead more...
Marketing a movie – The Aamir Khan way
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Finally in the middle of my Sales targets I have found some time to just ink down few of these points which were happening in my mind. Amir Khan as you know Read more...
Not Just Another Browser – Try Maxthon
Reviewed Maxthon
As the name might suggest, This is not going to be a long goodie goodie story about a browser. This is what I just liked and thought of sharing it with you.. Read more...
Digital Camera vs. Phone Camera – A Myth An
Reviewed Buying a Digital Camera
PART 1 Word of Advice: Only for those readers who are looking ahead to buy a Digicam. This article is going to be a big one. So for the convenience of the rRead more...
Shamur - The Ultimate Dance Album
Reviewed Shamur - The Ultimate Dance Album
And the name itself is like that...(review title) Well this is a Dance album. Few who have heard this now whats it like. And for those who have not, here is aRead more...
FLY...with our Train :-)
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
Back again ... this time to share some experiences of my flight with the one and only – Air Deccan. This is the story about a flight from Delhi to PuneRead more...
Most Imp for Sony Ericsson Users
Reviewed General Tips on Cell Phone Software
OK ...as it may sound like from the Head-(making)line.. this is gonna be a boon for all the Sony Ericsson(SE) Users. Of you all usersRead more...
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W 550i
Facts - Apaharan
Reviewed Apharan
Ok for all those guys who think the DCH review was a bluff one there is another for you. Now tell me isn’t this new! Apaharan: - Facts that you cant dRead more...
DCH :- Some Facts You cant deny !!
Reviewed Dil Chahta Hai
Hi guys, This movie howver remains a very close to heart affair with me. Some facts that I was pondering on seein this movie were these and frankly, noone caRead more...
Reviewed 7 1/2 Phere
I am using a really stupid keyboard so pls bear.... I hope many of you have seen Gangajal. Consider this movie as a refined version of Gangajal... For those Read more...
Media - a boon or a bane!
Reviewed General Tips on Media
The involvement of media in the last few decades in the society is unmatched. It’s the one source of information which had created revolution and changes, be Read more...
R U worth !!
Reviewed Allen Solly
I am sure most of you started your career with some humble jobs(So did I) and then climbed up...Sure your taste for the things you ear have been growin too. Read more...
Can you Master a Masterpiece ??
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K750I
Well...answer is ...NO. Try this one... I am few days short to buy this pretty looking thing... However I had a lucky chance to work on my colleagues 750(eye)Read more...
Final Recall : Sony.. MHC GN 100D
Reviewed Sony MHC-GN-100 D
HI again, Let em first tell you (envy me :p ) that the MHC GN 100D is discontinued by Sony. Thsi master piece... is no longer available in India. Reason!!! nRead more...
The T610 paradigm
Reviewed Sony Ericsson T610
HI All, T610... if u remember is the only phone which was available when there were merely other phones from Nokia like the 6610i where the iRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on sushubh's review
Rated on ank1t's review
Rated on mariner2's review
Rated on Ilyasmd's review
Commented on own review
All my criticz.. :-) Use it urself to know more... i already bought this and explored it fully ... out of words as of today... but surely the use i have put this too have given me great memmories and a great value fr the spending. And yes for those who still didnt like the review... keep wishing you Read More...
Commented on mangsk's review
Hello, Rvu is well written.. only thing i didnt like abt this cell is the menu. Its so strangely complex and poor looking, even the body and the asthetics were looking bad because of this single feature... If they can work on the menu and the drill down capability of it... it can easily beat Nokias Read More...
Commented on sweetgirlari's review
indeed salutes to you for writing such a review... and being candid about the cruelty is something which i appriciate of you... I think the society can be more sensible and the growth of every child in families can be more better and rewarding for a clean society of future... What people see and wha Read More...
Commented on aakekre's review
Airtel has got this habit of marketing culture where Promised come before commitments always.. cant help US style marketing but only bad accepted and good of it left.lol... I am a pune user for Airtel(prepaid).. now here is what i did. I checked with Airtel for a broadband connection, unfortunat Read More...
Commented on neodynium's review
Yaar vijay frankly to tell u, what the cust care told is is pure rubbish. Those bafoons dont know whats bandwidtha nd whats a connection like. I can say things because i am a solution provider to Airtel all India. The cause of your problem are majorly two: 1. That there Airtel antenna's in Blore Read More...
Frankly i saw this set with my own eyes in Mumbai then some news came to me that its launched as a beta test(god knows) but then April 14 was its launching date.. I am not aware if this have been posiponed due to dipping sale and new promotion strategy for Se 750I. Will update you sooner i get info Read More...
Commented on prasidddha's review
As usual... u always make me realise that u have got an extraordinary flair to captivate your readers in the best possible way... I was to go half out of the review but remained glued till the last word. About the movie..it sounds interesting the way you told. Else i was not even considering wat Read More...
Rated on prasidddha's review
Rated on akshaj1986's review
Yes mitul, now i think i can ease ur queries. The product is already out, up for a grab and if u havent checked it yet, pullleeze, dont stay left behind...
Commented on krazy4sonu's review
Rvu is nice... you have put in all evements of the who. Frankly i was feeling like i was in the show... seriously :-) BUt anusha dont u think the judgement was uneven. Everything started from the hungama the judges created and then... things followed. I am not against sandeep or anyone.. Just lik Read More...
Rated on krazy4sonu's review
Do you consider this as preview. Buddy if you talk abt any product here, its considered as your review not 'preview'. However there is always a new product coming in he market. If you can be the first to know ..is there harm in sharing it? I am sorry if you think so...and sincerely i cant help you o Read More...
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