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Member Since:Nov 21, 2003
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. Formula-1 Blogging
About Me
Education: Heard the Pink Floyd song?
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Bajaj makes it tough to enjoy Pulsar 200
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 200
Bajaj makes it tough to enjoy Pulsar 200 An update to the experience dealing with the Bajaj Dealer in Gurgaon(Krishna Auto Sales) with regards to the Pulsar Read more...
Bobby trying to do a Sunny!
Reviewed Bardaasht
Had no choice but to see yet another Hindi movie at bloated prices at the nearest multiplex. And what a weird movie it was. Bardhasht would, or should I say mRead more...
A different point of view...
Reviewed Lakshya Songs
Ok, sorry for getting off topic. But Lakshya Audio CD is something I wont recommend if you are pro-consumer. Here is the point: Lakshya Audio CD? My suRead more...
My 2 cents (or paisa) on the India Shining Crap
Reviewed India Shining Commercial 2004
Is India really shining? Frankly speaking, I have no bloody idea. I am not the part of the society that forms the majority in this country. But I know about mRead more...
Ab Tak Chappan (56) and pocket billiards
Reviewed Ab Tak Chappan
Wanted to see this movie ever since I heard about it. And it turned out to be exactly what I expected. Brilliant. This movie is actually better than Satya, thRead more...
Sify broadband or just another local cable guy!
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
Update: This is the update on the review. The reliability increased after the removal of the hug hanging from the tree wrapped in a polythene. But the latestRead more...
Should I be ashamed for how they perform?
Reviewed Indian Cricket Team
This is a recent entry from my blog. So not exactly a review. But its pretty much the truth... :| India loses to Australia... again. Cricket, India anRead more...
Not for news...
Reviewed The Times Of India
Times of India is a newspaper for people looking for: a. babes b. glamor c. gloss d. matrimonials e. classifieds f. raddi (touches 50 pages sometimes I Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Oh I did that the day dealer first told me about the lack of spare parts. got no response in the last 10 days.
Rated on ank1t's review
Commented on lazerbud's review
u know their login system is not that bad because it let u login from practically any operating system. BeOS, Linux, Mac OS X, and ofcourse Windows. Software based login system would prohibit that.
Commented on Janis's review
i could not open an account coz i did not have a job in a big company. the minimum balance requirement was 1 lakh! and the zero balance account is a farse.
Commented on Jeewan's review
becoz its still not released in india and the other option to watch is main hoon naa. thats why i would have to watch this movie :)
I slept in rest of the movie... So I did not see much of it...
Commented on sportyninja's review
prepaid customer here, and every call i make i think i got cheated! :)
the songs compliment the flavor of the movie perfectly. and if i had to buy it as a gift, i dont need to think about it.
so u think pirating music shows how much u appreciate the hard work went into the making of the music? brilliant.
well, weird. it simply does not work on my drive. the cd is ok since i am listening to it on my cd player since yesterday. and my cd writer is ok since i use it to rip original audio cds every week. if you check the cd cover, you will notice the warning. maybe you have one lucky drive that bypassed Read More...
Commented on creativz_l's review
If this movie has Aman Verma I am not watching it. He disgusts me...
Commented on ksb123's review
this logic stays. criminals who cant be proven guilty in court have to be dealt in a way they deserve to be. and their will always be innocent victims. so its a fair deal...
Commented on rajiv27's review
Read Indian Express. :) It's the best newspaper out there afaik...
clicking not putting on the write reviews link... so am i supposed to write everything? :O
It's not a movie based on revenge or something like that. It's a movie about an encounter specialist who had his share of problems with the system and the underworld.
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