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west bengal
Member Since:Jul 07, 2005
0 MS Points
if you are not living on the edge, you are taking too much space. cricket, cell phones, internet, movies, chinese food, marketing. strategies
About Me
Education: MBA
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Great food, disgusting customer service
Reviewed Mainland China - Ballygunge - Kolkata
I visited the Kolkata Mainland China, usually do twice every month. The courtesy of the Manager, yes the manager himself was disgusting. I entered the lobby dRead more...
Windows 2 Symbian
Reviewed Nokia E72
Its been long that i had been using touch phones with windows mobile. feels good to come back to querty keyboard. In a sentence I could sum up that I am happyRead more...
Some issues but a great phone
Reviewed HTC TyTN
This is my first htc phone. I was little confused between the I phone and the htc. Nokia n 96 was completely discounted as it looked like a phone from china.Read more...
Go for it !!!
Reviewed Nokia 6300
From an icfaian
Reviewed ICFAI Business School (IBS) - Hyderabad
Here s from the horses mouth... well I am a student of icfai hyd. just to comment on the previous reviews I would like to say that mba is not a cakewalk anywaRead more...
Sorround moto
Reviewed Motorola E398
Clarification The motorola E398 do have a delivery report option, but unlike other phones its customized. You can actually choose for whom to select a deliveRead more...
Grippng test series
Reviewed Ashes 2005
The Ashes series has lived up to its expectations. Its been long that we have seen a test series having such a nail bititng finish. Every ball, be it flintoffRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Rated on arundhati97's review
Rated on commanwealthgames's review
Rated on aveeks's review
Commented on bosemithun's review
thanks buddy... i bought an htc tytn instead, seems i am surrendering to apple s whims and fantasies
Rated on bosemithun's review
Commented on own review
mr. indian ... i was talking abt icfai business school, hyd... nothing to please my vanity of studying in one among the best 10 b schools of india.. ranking may be fabricated : but for how long?? continiously for four years? regarding the placemnts in icfai hyd , 270 people got placed in the fi Read More...
Commented on sumana.033's review
hi, i will be joining as a solution manager at icici. dosent ssem a happy place, but i am sure will make amends so that these comments come less. well one thing u got correct is te huge numbers. will be solved lady.. have fun
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Rated on Avinash_r's review
Rated on wonderwall's review
Rated on kpvbalaji's review
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