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Member Since:Aug 07, 2010
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Spicy, Funny, Witty Fundoozone - The Buzzing Zone
Reviewed Fundoozone
Internet is full of community based forums. You think of any topic and you find a dedicated forum for that; wherein many people across the globe form communitRead more...
Has its own charm: A reply to its critics
Reviewed Don 2
Well Well Well, It seemed like plain copy of original old DON spiced up with style and wit while Watching DON1 five years back until last shocking 15 mins cliRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on youngminai's review
It would be wrong to compare this movie with Nolan's other movies. First of all, it was touted as ending saga of trilogy. Things have to be wrapped up meaningfully and scope for new direction of saga to be set up. Also, there has to be many limitations due to plot setup in previous two versions. Kee Read More...
Commented on rbansalkrj's review
Bhai golmaal hai , sab golmaal hai. Bogus reviews and bogus response from the company. See how instant company follow up. As if both are same. Moderators are really sleeping.
Commented on vermaabhi007's review
trying to be smart snapdeal. see how fast you responded. wasnt it planned ??
Commented on moonstruck24's review
@ Visa It is a cult and a medium to make your friends and relatives run away from you. It is fully mechanical system though legal as you mentioned. You see many comments here because people have suffered a lot and you call them loosers. If you call Amway a straight business, dont show big dreams a Read More...
Commented on D1NONLY's review
@NaveenSPL If somebody from my office is trying to get new clients, he is not running after his relatives, friends trying to convince them. Somewhere you have to draw your bounderies between your profession and your social circle. Have you ever tried to know what your once good friends wh Read More...
Commented on leviathan47's review
Your review is full of ''F'' and ''Sh*t''. There is nothing meaningful written in it. Even if you are that so called angry, you should construct your language first and then post here. From your review, you appear to be Sallu fan or being paid by him to spread ''Sh*t'' and ''F'' all over this page. Read More...
Commented on drragbalin's review
I too have been using Tatasky since 2008. So far I didnt face any problem and the picture quality is real superior. I also had to change my location from gurgaon to chandigarh last april, but in my case they didnt charge anything citing me as regular and valuable customer. Even in Chandigarh, for re Read More...
You find yourself raoming in the malls, cinema halls, footpath and other public places looking for new downline, become extra friendly with them, ask for any general favor, be nice to them. Once he gets in talks with you, you introduce your business plan. It is only after 2-3 years, one comes back i Read More...
Commented on vijay_nicpn's review
Commented on guptaps's review
I have same problem. Mileage sucks. Any buyer ?
Rated on Praveen_S's review
Commented on Praveen_S's review
He is jealouse of upper cast people getting private jobs. Derrogatory comments against Hinduism. Please ban him.
Commented on meena_suresh's review
You seem to be disturbed from his appearance on Anna's stage yesterday & now you come out with full report. Poor Congi Chap. LIve your ending days.
Commented on jainkush's review
MS started previews also.
Commented on MirrorOfTruth's review
Cant imagine educomp ever stoop to such level. Posting fake positive reviews for past many days. All the reviewers are newly registered.
Commented on yashika560's review
fake fake fake
Commented on afzal_civil84's review
I got one Whirlpool RO installed in dewali. So far, I havnt faced any prob. Output is fine. Lets see....
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