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Member Since:Jan 25, 2008
30 MS Points
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Education: MBA/PGDM
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Beware of using Godaddy for buying domain name
Reviewed GoDaddy
Guys Beware of using Godaddy for purchasing domain names. Two things happen when you try and buy from them: If you continuously try a name, then mysteriouslRead more...
Worst airline to fly even after change in mgmt.
Reviewed SpiceJet
Recently, I took a trip to Goa from New Delhi on Spicejet after a long long time. I generally fly Indigo but wanted to give Spicejet another try. But I am soRead more...
Never Buy Printer Cartridge from Snapdeal
Reviewed Snapdeal
Never Buy Printer Cartridge from Snapdeal. I did and got to know very soon that the cartridge is empty. When I contacted Snapdeal, they clearly said that theRead more...
Be ready to pay for everything after d connection
Reviewed d2h
The worst part of most of the D2H providers is that they will ask you to pay for everything once you have taken their connection. This is true for Videocon thRead more...
Do not invest in a Coffee Day Xpress Franchise
Reviewed Cafe Coffee Day - Sadar - Nagpur
Why should  you NOT go in for a Coffee Day Xpress Franchisee ? How a typical franchisee model is set for a loss for most of the franchisee owners. This is aRead more...
They are the biggest CHORS of all
Reviewed BPTP - Faridabad
BPTP is the shittiest of all the Real Estate Developers in NCR and I am saying with some authority as I deal with Real Estate Developers all the time. They wiRead more...
Just double check the prices they charge.
Reviewed Babyoye
I had a bad experience with babyoye earlier. Then I wrote a complaint about that and they very well handled my complaint and sorted the matter out, hence I amRead more...
Never buy anything from shopping.indiatimes.com
Reviewed Shoppingdiatimes
I have had 3 experiences of shopping with Indiatimes.com Experience 1 Ordered cakes and flowers for someone outstation - they received pathetic quality cakeRead more...
Don't take SBI Credit Card by putting money in FD
Reviewed SBI Visa Credit Card
SBI came up with a novel way to give people Credit Cards. You pay them some money like Rs. 1 Lakh in their FD and they shall give you a Credit Card with a limRead more...
Don't take Air Asia if you want peace of mind
Reviewed Air Asia
We booked our first flight with Air Asia while traveling to Malaysia in February. Since we were coming from India, we obviously were taking a flight from KL tRead more...
Pathetic Performance and Customer Service
Reviewed Voltas Vertis Split
I bought a Voltas 2.0 Ton Split A/C from Khanna Aircon in Faridabad. It worked fine for a few weeks and then started created a horrible noise from the externaRead more...
Don't buy their Credit Card
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Beware: Dont even think of getting an ICICI Credit Card that is linked with your Savings account. These people will first honor some unknown transactioRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
The worst part is that the external Unit of the A.C which was giving trouble has been replaced two times and this summer again the third unit is not functioning. Now, the customer support numbers are ALWAYS busy and you never get them. If you are lucky, which I was 4th day, they assure you that the Read More...
Rated on ganeshagrawal's review
Rated on ajaykumar612's review
Commented on soniagandhi's review
I totally agree with Sonia. I too have Tikona Wireless in Gurgaon. Their customer service totally sucks and I will not recommend that anyone get this connection even if you get it for free as you probably will spend more on your High BP Medication after getting Tikona installed. Stay away from Read More...
Commented on shawncastellino23's review
Wow.. This also seems a review by one of the staff members of the airline.. read it yourself and come to conclusion. Take the view of other customers like us rather than these covert staff members. Sorry guys for being so finicky but I have been told by a lot of my business friends that they a Read More...
Commented on metalline's review
This clearly seems a review by one of the staff members of the airline.. read it yourself and come to conclusion. Take the view of other customers like us rather than these covert staff members.
Thanks Javed. I did exactly what you said. I stopped calling them and filed a case against them with Banking Ombudsman with all the paperwork that I could fish out from my gmail email account and other sources. Within 2 weeks, I got my refund from the bank without any contest from their people Read More...
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Varsha Ashish Gurav (@varshapusalkarMouthShut Verified Member)
Subramanian Chandrasekhar (@shubhasekharMouthShut Verified Member)
Faraz Khan (@khanfarazahmadMouthShut Verified Member)
Aneet Singh (@aneet4743MouthShut Verified Member)
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chelsie (@Gajra_Hans228MouthShut Verified Member)
Nishant Gupta (@OnsitegoMouthShut Verified Member)
Venkatesh Iyer (@iyervenkatesh829MouthShut Verified Member)
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Rajat Khandelwal (@rajatgupta59MouthShut Verified Member)
Prabhat Singh (@prabhat_krishnaMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12