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Member Since:Apr 20, 2004
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Education: IT
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Reg Honda Unicorn: Quality degrades
Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn 160 CBS
I could see 93% recommendation and good feedback on Honda Unicorn from our friends review here. But I have two friends in my office, who have bought UniRead more...
To have Sport Seating in non sport Bikes
Reviewed General Tips on Bikes
Hi all, Planning to buy 125cc bike( Honda Shine) only but need a to have Sporty Seat as in Apache, Hunk. Is this possible to set up the seat from local mechaRead more...
Sharekhan sucks
Reviewed Sharekhan
Have been using ShareKhan for past one year and facing hell lot of issues. Support: The customer support number 1-1800--xxxx is never picked up.. For any iRead more...
WagonR Duo - Is Engine Design For It?
Reviewed General Tips on Cars with LPG
I have few clarifications on Engine running on LPG, after a discussion with our local mechanic and other users having LPG kit in their cars. Engine: WagonR Read more...
Advice Required Alto/WagonR
Reviewed General Tips on Buying a Car
I am not sure this is the right forum to get the advice!However please post your comments without fail.After going through reviews: concluded to buy Alto/WagoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on rajeevroy's review
There are lot of bad experience with FABER and GLEN etc. Then which chimney should we go for ? No body mentioning that. Please post in MS for the same. Thanks Sunil
Commented on sudhi18's review
There are lot of bad experience with FABER and GLEN. Then which chimney should we go for ? No body mentioning that. Please post in MS on the same. Thanks Sunil
Commented on priyanktaparia's review
There are lot of bad experience with FABRE and GLEN. Then which chimney should we go for ? No body mentioning that. Please post in MS on the same. Thanks Sunil
Commented on nivas.talari's review
Yes.. its flaw in gear--shaft transmission system, if I am right. Often it goes to false neutral i.e gear does not lock to the shaft when shifting from 4 to 3 or 3 to 4 and also when stop @ signal @ 2 gear for a while ( say 3 sec ) and go, actually it wont move... engine cries that gear is not enga Read More...
Commented on ashwin.r's review
Azeem.. I dont think we need to charge manually.. There are lights and fans available which will work on AC mode on power and switch to battery when power goes off... It could be better if ashwin through some light on brands and shops where we can buy those things. And I accept we cant run TV a Read More...
Commented on discoverer927's review
HI Sarita, Could you please mention about your service network in tamilnadu ( rest of chennai ) Thanks Sunil
Rated on ashwin.r's review
Commented on kpsam's review
HI Could you please mention which model of exide you have used. please comment on Exide - inva tubular, if your aware of it
Commented on ghuli's review
Please lemme know do you feel any vibration @ around 30-40. I felt more vibration on a test drive a shine @30-40 . However don't this vibration will impact spare parts in the long run?
Commented on krish_tr692119's review
Commented on vbwagh's review
Your are right, I felt more vibration on a test drive a shine @30-40kmph . However don't this vibration will impact spare parts in the long run?
Commented on vaibhav.halcyon's review
Commented on desai_r_b's review
Please lemme know about vibration @ around 30-40. I felt it high on a test drive. Dont this vibration will impact spare parts in the long run?
Commented on shenthil1987's review
Heard that ’’Tyres can be changed’’ to avoid skidding... Could you please provide me more details like, which tyre, which width will suit the existing rim, appx price etc Thanks
Commented on shiyas's review
’’Tyres can be changed’’ Could you please provide me more details like, which tyre, which width will suit the existing rim, appx price etc Thanks
Heard that rear tyres having skidding issue and also Tyres can be changed. Could you please provide me more details like, which tyre, which width will suit the existing rim, appx price etc Thanks
Commented on venkateswar.kolla's review
'Tyres can be changed' Could you please provide me more details like, which tyre, which width will suit the existing rim, appx price etc Thanks
Commented on sunlight1983's review
guys, plz dont get excited about the price and looks. Let us apply simple realtime case like a minor accident, just falling off, being hit ( a small hit ) by bus/cars etc which could occur easily in our indian roads. Being plastic baby, it is high possibility of breaking of those plastic parts a Read More...
Commented on own review
Thanks for your comments. The major issue raised my friends are poor mileage of between 35 - 40 only. Btw.. whats the mileage before and after 2000 KM. Whats the funda about 2000KM w.r.to mileage!!? - sunil
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