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Member Since:May 09, 2008
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ICICI Cheats
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I got a credit card from icici, and was happy to see that they gave me ’’outlook’’ magzine in the first month. Now when the first month’s bill came it had chaRead more...
Keep away from reliance data card
Reviewed Reliance Data Card
I was surfing mouthshut n found this series- reliance data card. Lol .. I just love to kick these people - reliance. Hell they have no morals. I bought this dRead more...
Must visit
Reviewed Daman
Daman is a good place to visit. daman is hot in summers but cool in evenings at sea side!!!Have u ever owned the sea at goa? the ans must be NO. Here in damaRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on vishnu_1989's review
ok lets c
Rated on vishnu_1989's review
Rated on Vedang's review
Commented on ruchika.s's review
hi, but they fool people. i ve a post paid reliance data card. from the last 1 year i m after them to convert it into pre-paid, to get rid of the monthly bill. but they say it being a data card it cant be converted, and with all the smiles they say- had it been a mobile, it would ve been done by now Read More...
Commented on own review
Commented on shikil_gupta's review
the car lacks the basic looks. its back n front both look very odd
Rated on kapsep's review
Commented on kapsep's review
ifb machines are good. IFB SERVICES ARE VERY VERY POOR. THEY HAVE GIVEN SERVICE CONTRACTS TO MANY LOCAL ELECTRICAN TYPE OF GUYS. the higher authorities sud look into it while appointing them again.
Rated on nvsharma's review
Commented on brk_08's review
reliance...ambani's...look its ur fault to deal with them. they are the most curropt people in india n icici is just a few points behind them. never ever deal with them in future. read my review on relaince data card n icici cheats. i m sorry to say but no one will be able to help u. the best option Read More...
Rated on brk_08's review
Rated on Prem143's review
Rated on delzadp's review
Commented on delzadp's review
hey r wrong!!!. may b u work with icici or r paid to write this review. icici is a big big cheat!!!!!
Rated on aaryesdee's review
Commented on aaryesdee's review
aaryesdee u r very right in saying this- breach of trust. actually reliance has no morals. these bro's are just trying to fool people n make money. i make it a point to talk to people about their system of working. N I M HAPPY THAT TILL NOW I MUST HAVE DIVERTED SOME 100 PEOPLE FROM BUYING RELIANCE P Read More...
Rated on lavanyadeepak's review
Commented on lavanyadeepak's review
THAT IS VERY RIGHT!!! icici is definately one of the worst private banks now. let me tell u. 1. i got a credit card from icici, and was happy to see that they gave me ’’outlook’’ magzine in the first month. now when the first month’s bill came it had charged for 1 year subscription of ’’outlook’’ Read More...
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