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Member Since:Feb 20, 2009
0 MS Points
. Electrical and Electronics Industries. Electrical and Electronics gadgets and appliances.
About Me
Education: ME (Power Electronics and Drives)
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Dish TV
Reviewed General Tips on DTH Service
I have been reading lot of posts by frustrated DTH subscribers of various services. I would share some knowledge and experience of mine with DTH. 1.  DTH isRead more...
Can think to buy
Reviewed Voltas Vertis Elite 1.5 Ton
My first split ac was Whirlpool, bought 2 years back. Lucky enough so far so good. the guys did not even bother to attend service calls and not called for anyRead more...
Please give a thought before buying this....
Reviewed Whirlpool Mastermind
After studied well the Airconditioners and its market price, I have decided to buy an split A/C from Arasan electronics, 5 Roads, salem, TN. I went to the shoRead more...
Think twice before buying Whirlpool Master mind .
Reviewed Choosing an Air Conditioner
After studying well the A/C market for about three months and after searching several outlets, I decided to buy anA/C from a dealer nearby my residence(AN eleRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Commented on vinodan_4's review
Hi..Guys, why so much of shouting on this issue. keep doing your duties. Nevey get lured by FREE GIFTS, all trouble starts from there. The so called FREE GIFTS are like the earthworm used to catch fish. The fish looses life for free worm. NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD, we MUST pay for the air we b Read More...
Commented on vijayragavan84's review
I understand the feeling of this gentleman. He is absolutely true and honest. He sincerely advises others not to get trapped. Last Sunday me too attend their BrainWash session with my wife and ,Thank God / Thanks to my wife too,we came out with out getting trapped.In fact most of us some times fall Read More...
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