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Member Since:Aug 26, 2003
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Education: college
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Zing 80 - very good choice
Reviewed Kinetic Zing
I have been wanting, for the last 3 months, to get myself a vehicle that fulfilled the following criteria: should have good pick up, power so it can climb slRead more...
You would have to be quite stupid to buy this!
Reviewed TVS Scooty Pep+
Scooty Pep really confuses me. It boggles my mind actually. And I cant understand why anyone would buy this? Sure as a product its okay. Its kinda nice lookiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on FlyteOfFancy's review
Rated on sandeshmm's review
Commented on FlyteOfFancy's review
Because of the front - fueling tank on the Flyte, please use the ’’full tank to full tank’’ procedure to correctly estimate your mileage. Otherwise you are likely to under-estimate it. The full tank to full tank method is simple: (Full tank by way of visual confirmation and not by fuel indi Read More...
Commented on sandeshmm's review
Because of the front - fueling tank on the Flyte, please use the 'full tank to full tank' procedure to correctly estimate your mileage. Otherwise you are likely to under-estimate it. The full tank to full tank method is simple: (Full tank by way of visual confirmation and not by fuel indicato Read More...
Rated on netwala2007's review
Rated on archanadarke's review
Rated on kashyap_nitin's review
Rated on ymn123's review
Rated on madmaxbiaggi's review
Rated on denishmak's review
Commented on denishmak's review
i didnt learn anything from your review, so i ve given it a not useful rating, it just didnt mean anything
Rated on kennvergh's review
Rated on kaujo's review
Commented on mahnaf's review
this is simply astonishing.. kinetic is doing very good work these days! bringing in some really great stuff
Rated on mahnaf's review
Commented on akshay22's review
Kinetic is doing very good work these days... bringing out really good products. that is the benefit we customers get from heavy competition in market. manufacturers have to go out of their way to provide awesome vehicles for us. :) i am going to check this blaze out for sure...
Rated on ashpar's review
Rated on akshay22's review
Commented on own review
dear vinayak its best to add some mobil to improve mileage though i have not really checked the difference but i estimate its about 5-10 kmpl. it depends on what quality of petrol you get at your petrol pump. are you also owner of a zing?
Commented on nannybiker's review
yes the nova 135 is a tremendous scooter. definitely the best of the lot as you said.... so congrats on selecting a damn good scooter. As for your review, the information was good. but you should improve your spacing a little to make it easier to read. welcome to MS.
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