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Member Since:Jul 07, 2003
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Education: Bachelor of Interior Design
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1st hand experience of BIAL
Reviewed Bengaluru International Airport - Bangalore
I had to take a day trip to Mumbai on Saturday 24th May and was quite excited about the new airport experience. Friday 4.30 pm - called Meru and Easy cab - Read more...
Indica V2 Turbo - Hatch on Steroids
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Turbo
I have 3 Indicas in my family. Guess that makes me a crazy Tata buff! I have the Indica V2 (2003), (2004) and (2006) models. The first two have the natuRead more...
Gravity is real... but Airtel sucks too!
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I have been a Hutch subscriber in Bombay and Gujarat. I thought their service was reasonably good. After I moved to Bangalore, I took up an Airtel connection Read more...
Phulka ho to aisa!!
Reviewed Sharma's Punjabi Restaurant - Koramangala - Bangalore
Sharmas as the place is popularly called is on the 80 ft road in Koramangala, 2 mins walking distance from Raheja Residency and the Wipro Office. The grRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on soodvsood's review
Commented on soodvsood's review
Comments on mileage are quite generalised. This does depend a lot on the individuals driving style. I have been consistently getting 17-19 kmpl on highways with AC switched on. A turbo charger has nothing to do with reducing the noise level of a diesel engine.
Commented on royat12's review
Your overheating problem is quite understandable. The engine in the Turbo DLS is the same one that the Indigo had when introduced ( Turbo charged but no intercooler) This engine always had an overheating problem. The later indigo's got an intercooler and were rebadged as TDI. The Indica Turbo DLX Read More...
Rated on amateurabe's review
Rated on G-raptor's review
Rated on aditi009's review
Rated on atulnaresh's review
Commented on atulnaresh's review
Some of the text matter is from :http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2005/11/nokia_6708_appr.html A personal feedback would have been helpful instead of cut-paste of tech specs - which are available all over the net!
Rated on karthikmkrishnan's review
Rated on digital_devil's review
Rated on vravi's review
Rated on niku21's review
Commented on niku21's review
The santro and the palio may be classified in the indian market under the same segment but they are vastly different cars... just no point in comparing them... the only cars you could compare the palio to are the indica petrol and the corsa sail... and as others have written before me.. average cha Read More...
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