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Member Since:Jul 27, 2006
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Is Hyundai going the Daewoo way ?
Reviewed Hyundai Santro Xing eRLX
Hyundai Santro, once considered a technologically superior vehicle when compared to its peers has no takers now after Maruti launched the New Wagon R. Its beeRead more...
Reviewed Tata Indica V2 Xeta
Hey friend, honestly speaking I am sure that some day INDICA will replace all the PREMIER PADMINIS to become taxis in mumbai. It is too early for people to coRead more...
Honest insurance company
Reviewed LIC Life Insurance
I think LIC is the only honest insurance company in India. My insurance agent gavemethe LIC diary during the new year and I felt happy when I read in the diarRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on jcb_life999's review
Rated on rahesh.dudani's review
Commented on rahesh.dudani's review
Pathetic ! ! ! thats all that i can say about this review of yours.
Rated on spyguy's review
Rated on AzaMody's review
Commented on AzaMody's review
Azamody (Ria) is supporting another person (Fazulbhoys) on the basis of religious equations and this has made the review highly biased with very little truthful content. This review is fake.
Rated on coolchaps's review
Commented on coolchaps's review
Your review was excellent. Earlier when the foreign insurance companies had just entered India, people thought LIC would have to close down. But within just 4 years private insurance company AMP-Sanmar closed down. I was lucky that Reliance took over AMP-Sanmar and i was relieved that my money would Read More...
Commented on own review
Hey Mr/Ms Typical. I have read all the comments on my review, and you are the only moron suggesting a change in my attitude. If you read my reiview once again you will realise that i have used an Indica myself for 3 years and at this moment i am just criticizing the cosmetic modifications that TAT Read More...
Commented on Effortlesslife's review
hey vishal, i was happy to know that you still have maintained your grand fathers old fiat. The 1965 model is certainly a class apart.
Commented on 3004's review
hey friend, i found your review very genuine. TATA is a privately owned government company. It means that TATA is a private company with all the qualitites of a mismanaged government organisation. And when you say that your Review will never reach the top management, i would like to add that even if Read More...
Commented on joeisfrank's review
hey friend, this was a gret review. I admire you for your frankness and this review will help many buyers of INDICA to take care of their vehicle and understand their vehicle properly. I guess TATA vehicles have to be understood properly or else you end up in bankruptcy ! great review once again.
Commented on chennaiguy's review
Hi chennaiguy, i loved reading your short and sweet review.If you read my review, i have apprehensions about the the shape of the INDICA. How do u rate the shape of the INDICA when viewed from all angles especially from the rear. I feel it looks like a big gunny bag laden on a wooden cart with small Read More...
Rated on chennaiguy's review
Commented on bobby73's review
Wonderful review. I agree with all the good things that you have to say about LIC. The Indian Insurance giant has proved that it can compete with all multinational insurance companies. The private insurance companies are very famous for denying the claims on technical grounds which a layman will nev Read More...
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