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Member Since:Jul 13, 2007
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BigShoeBazaar.com is a Big Cheat....AVOID
Reviewed Bigshoebazaar
I ordered a pair of Reebok and Florsheim in Mid May and it took more than 1 month to arrive, after upteem calls to one Mr. Ahmed who has his business in some Read more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on wiseandtrue's review
Dear Rajesh Alias Joby, ccavenue does have a 3% charges scheme which is cheaper than PayPal/techprocess and ur timesOfMoney's direcpay. They also special aggresive pricing for merchants who have good turnover volumes. I am sure MakeMyTrip.com, SOTC, TajHotels will not be paying them their displayed Read More...
Commented on anushkapatel's review
Nice review. You are right, we Indians are expressive only when we are negative. Very stingy in saying positive things!
Rated on anushkapatel's review
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Rated on niceguymmk's review
Rated on myselfgeorge's review
Rated on hiteshkalita's review
Commented on tiamehta's review
Hey fellas, am using ccAveNue for last 4 years...no probs...timely payment, good service, lots of options. Didn't need to look elsewhere. Nobody offers aMeX except ccavenue, as it is essential for my business (travel) and amex is HOT! Dont know about others but my bucks bet on ccAveNue.
Commented on bigshoefan's review
Hey thirdreich....u have got it all wrong bro. A chargeback is a reversal of a payment card transaction initiated by the consumer who holds the card This can happen when a consumer discovers fraudulent or improper transactions on their card statement or online account view i.e. someone else has misu Read More...
Hey bipingaur, i am no ccavenue agent. I am a hotel owner in dahanu and my website is hotelsapphire.net . My name is Merwan Irani and you can contact me on phone if you want to. My wife and her friends run a flower gifting site and uses ccavenue and are very happy with it. Many merchants have los Read More...
Commented on bipingaur's review
This news item is worth reading. We are talking about a few thousands while the big merchants have lost crores because of chargeback fraud through ICICI Bank. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/869992.cms The Kingfisher airline complained to the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Read More...
Rated on bipingaur's review
Commented on mariasundara's review
http://www.reviewcentre.com/review243312 .html Review of Big Shoe Bazaar By bibu on 19th May 2007 General Comments I have ordered shoes from the Big Shoe Bazaar, and I have waited for 2 weeks. In this two weeks I have contacted them 3 times via email, and I was promised deliv Read More...
Rated on mariasundara's review
Commented on Smart786's review
We just got our mastercard reactivated through ccavenUe. U have to follow a certain procedure which is mentioned on this url http://www.ccavenue.com/newsletter/mastercard/mastercard_service.htm I am quite ok with their services and have always received my money on time for past 9 months. I have h Read More...
try Paypal....or citibank india if you want accept visa, mastercard, diners and citi bank netbanking. ccavVenue gives the max options and decent services. Icici gives you visa and mastercard but their fraud ratio is more than 25%. Kingfisher airlines lost 17 crores in chargebacks in 1 year. Ditto fo Read More...
Commented on own review
All this glorifying comments are the handicraft of that Big Shoe Bazaar owner mr. ahmed (MouthShut_ID_BigShoeFan) himself. I am sure he must be looting hundreds of customers everyday. I read on this site somewhere that he has fought with his Payment Gateway service provider also. He must be sendi Read More...
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