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Member Since:Sep 01, 2006
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Return of the Prince (Sourav Dada Ganguly)
Reviewed Saurav Ganguly
Just read this class poem on DadaReturn of the Prince !Indias Skipper, Kolkatas Prince, mighty troubles, visited him since, the sixmatch ban had kRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on satishsinghi's review
Commented on satishsinghi's review
Yes a good review. However, that crook Harsha Bhogle is constantly passing snide remarks on Dada. Whenever Dada takes a catch it is a 'simple' catch, when one of Harsha's favorite players takes a catch it is 'he made it look simple'. Ha, Harsha shame on you!
Rated on Dipa84's review
Rated on williamwood's review
Commented on williamwood's review
See how critics are acknowledging the Maharaj's contribution go Indian cricket now. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=A1YourView&xml=/sport/2007/08/01/scview101.xml
See how the critics and press are acknowledging Dada's contribution to Indian cricket http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=A1YourView&xml=/sport/2007/08/01/scview101.xml
I am absolutely sure, (I get these hunches, and most of the time they come true) the mantle will be handed to Dada soon...
Commented on own review
Actually, it is the other way, Ilyasmd. Earlier Ganguly faced all the flak as captain and Dravid relaxed and enjoyed the game. Now it is payback time, Ganguly is relaxed and playing well and Dravid is having problems with BCCI and the coach!!
Rated on rajindia1's review
Commented on stay_positive_pls's review
Actually sourav was quite good in tests just before he was dropped. He had scored a century in the just finished tour and scored better than his compatriots in delhi, karachi - the last tests he played just before being dropped. So it was definitely the politics of Chapell, More and Dravid
Rated on jdods's review
Rated on Devv_Paul's review
Commented on Munna's review
The way undue and extra-ordinary pressure is being put on Ganguly to perform is stupefying. Cricket, it is well-known is a game of chance. When the bowler is about to bowl no one can say what will be the outcome - the ball may leave the ground or it might be the batsman himself. Didn't sachin go ut Read More...
Rated on Munna's review
Commented on bhuvneshvar's review
i have a more balanced view on it. as bhuvneshvar says sourav has a great record. and i am a big fan of his. i have even posted a poem supporting him on souravganguly.net yet i was happy that he was not selected for the tri-series in malaysia! the simple reason is that his selection then would have Read More...
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