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Member Since:Jun 11, 2009
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Kesari honeymoon package
Reviewed General Tips on Honeymoon Packages
I would say Kesari travels has the best packages for honeymoon goers. The best part is all the travellers are just married couples. So same age group. We wentRead more...
Got healed of tooth bleeding
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Lokhandwala - Mumbai
I had problem of tooth bleeding from last five years. Visited lot of dentiststo show them the problesm, also had to go through lot of tests to determine the aRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed DrBatrasHealth
Rated on srsa1969's review
Commented on srsa1969's review
Sorry to see to have a bad experience at Dr. Batra's, but my tooth bleeding got healed using medicines from Dr. batra's. Homeopathy heals but takes time.
Rated on say-no-to-cheaters's review
Commented on say-no-to-cheaters's review
I have tried going to Dr. batra's, and have benefited from their positive results. i had tooth bleeding which got cured using Homeopathy.
Commented on akash44's review
I don't agree with you Rchidana, as I myself was a patient of Dr. Batras and have got healed of my tooth bleeding. And why not, somebody who was cure of his diseases can write what positive they feel about the clinic, as this is a place where we place our reviews to help others decide.
Rated on akash44's review
Rated on chiranjib_c's review
Commented on chiranjib_c's review
I feel you are writing homeopathy as a carrer. My friend I have been under their treatment and have really benefited from the treatment and got healed of it.
Commented on astrofreak1234's review
I have benefited at Batras, got healed of my tooth bleeding.
Rated on astrofreak1234's review
Rated on arun_saini008's review
Commented on arun_saini008's review
It is hard to believe that they treat in such manner. I was under their ttreatment and I received good treatment. I don't expect a first class treatment but respectable one. People often wait in hospital for doctors consultation for more than 1 hour but crib when they wait for more than 30 mins at D Read More...
Rated on neeraj79's review
Commented on neeraj79's review
I was under treatment for my tooth bleeding, and think that are highly qualified doctors. Some of the best homeopaths work with Batra's.
Rated on Studguy's review
Commented on Studguy's review
I was under treatment at Batras and got healed of my tooth bleeding, so if is difficult to believe that they treate so harshly the way you mentioned.
Rated on RAJEEB_BARMAN's review
Rated on prakash.joy's review
Commented on prakash.joy's review
I got healed of my tooth bleeding. The doctors @ Dr. Batra's are really good, having a very good understanding about homeopathy. I would also suggest try to follow the doctors advice. We mostly respot to homeopathy as a last option, after doing the whole damage, so it takes double time to get the di Read More...
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