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Member Since:Aug 13, 2009
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Worst credit card service - Tatacard
Reviewed Tata Card
I too have horrible experience with them. It was till I used the card to buy a mobile phone from a fraud website called timtara using tata card. The mobile phRead more...
Worst credit card provider - Tatacard (SBICARD)
Reviewed SBI Visa Credit Card
I too have horrible experience with them. It was till I used the card to buy a mobile phone from a fraud website called timtara using tatacard. The mobile phoRead more...
Worst service, complained to core.nic.in
Reviewed Timtara
I am fed up with timtara customer care. I tried to call Arindam Bose on his mobile number 0921256227, he disconnected my call and switched off the mobile. TheRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mdkarim5332's review
Hi, Please tell me about the headlight of Honda Dream series Vehicles, especially the latest one CD110 Dream. I am looking for buying my first bike. Anbarasu
Commented on Sam_knightrider's review
I tried the dispute with Tatacard (@sbicard). They clearly avoided answering me till the cut-off date is over and told me that the case is closed. I had called them 20-30 times after I raised the dispute, I was told to wait for 110 days from receipt of dispute. The excuse they gave me (that too oral Read More...
Rated on nikhilsamkumar's review
Commented on nikhilsamkumar's review
The tatacard sales people at croma and customer care will always say contrasting things. It is better to avoid taking the cards from them.
Commented on heena3446's review
I have the same opinion. Simply not happy with them.
Rated on heena3446's review
Commented on sivadesu2000's review
Dear sir, Be happy that you have not got card. Go for citibank, they are best in service, very good offers, acceptance at all merchants. I am using citibank card for 6 years no complaint till date.
Rated on drsrigupta's review
Rated on karanbond707's review
Rated on Balliaks's review
Commented on Balliaks's review
Great news. Me and my friend got cheated by them. We both applied for chargeback with our respective card companies. My friend got his money from his credit card company on 23 March 2013. The requestes to my credit card company SBICARD is falling on dumb ears, I have sent chargeback requests 3 times Read More...
Rated on punit2999's review
Commented on punit2999's review
We cannot trust your review, please share your order details with us.
Commented on tony38in's review
Card company or Bank has the facility called chargeback/dispute option. By that we can request for the refund. The charge back can be applied within 75 days from transaction. I have sent charge back via tatacard and asked my friend to do the same via icicibank.
Commented on own review
Hi friends, I am fed up with timtara customer care. I tried to all Arindam Bose on his mobile number 0921256227, he disconnected my call and switched off the mobile. Their customer is non-committal and not even cancelling the order. I have booked a complaint with ministry of consumer affairs webs Read More...
Commented on anuj_dpc's review
Dear Anuj Kumar, Have you got your refund? It will be helpful for us to proceed. We suspect that they just post a message here to say that money is refunded, but not in real.
Commented on dharmeshrdoshi's review
The site should be closed at the earliest and some action should be taken against the owners to recover our money. All other sites mention out of stock or sold out if they do not have stock of the product. These people takes order and tell no stock a month time after taking our money.
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