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Member Since:Jan 29, 2007
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Reviewed Tata Indigo - Diesel
Ambassador and Fiat were considered very good till the arrival of Maruti. Maruti was considered the best till other cars arrived. Tatas are enjoying the same Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on captsekh's review
Commented on rameshgs's review
You are absolutely right. Tata's are offering a unrefined cars to the fellow countrymen who are not really experts on cars but they are still able to sell and befool as most buying decisions are emotional and based on the lower initial and running costs. I also bought a Tata Indigo and suffered a lo Read More...
Commented on surjeetsingh's review
You are absolutely right. Tata's are offering a unrefined cars to the fellow countrymen who are not really experts on cars but they are still able to sell and befool as most buying decisions are emotional and based on the lower initial and running costs. I also bought a Tata Indigo from HIM MOTORS a Read More...
Commented on amitbhojani007's review
Tata's are offering a unrefined cars to the fellow countrymen who are not really experts on cars but they are still able to sell and befool as most buying decisions are emotional and based on the lower initial and running costs. I also bought a Tata Indigo and suffered a lot due to negligience on pa Read More...
Commented on viku251's review
Commented on surkumar's review
You are absolutely right. Tata's are offering unrefined cars to the fellow countrymen who are not really experts on cars but they are still able to sell and befool as most buying decisions are emotional and based on the lower initial and running costs. I also bought a Tata Indigo and suffered a lot Read More...
Commented on pp90's review
You are absolutely right. I also suffered a lot and my engine seized three times within 2 years. I had to spend considerable time chasing the non-responding company. Finally I approached the consumer court who has directed Tata's & their Dealer to refund my money alongwith legal cost and compensatio Read More...
Rated on pp90's review
Rated on preepraj's review
Rated on vikrit23's review
Rated on surjeetsingh's review
Rated on cerk's review
Rated on vinarora's review
Rated on REJITOM's review
Rated on himanshu93's review
Commented on himanshu93's review
May be e e e e e e e e e e e e eeeeeeeeeeeee.
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Rated on ramsubra's review
Rated on binupappen's review
Rated on harpreetbakshi's review
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