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Member Since:Jan 09, 2012
52 MS Points
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Worst Ever Customer Support, a complete fraud
Reviewed Askmebazaar
I have ordered "Branded Universal Power Bank 10400 Mah Combio Of 3 Pack" from the website on 10 July 2015 and the order id for the same is AB4005512. On 26 JRead more...
Good Website to buy from
Reviewed Shopclues
I have been purchasing from this website since more than one year and not even a single time I got any kind of problem. Some times the orders are booked but dRead more...
Fraud: Order Number 218557
Reviewed Ezoneonline
I have ordered few items on 26 May on ezoneonline as order number 207890. The details are as follows: Sr.No. Catalog Code Product Name Unit Price(Rs. ) QuantiRead more...
The best ever support and products
Reviewed Ebay
I have purchase few items on ebay.in and from those one of the item was not delivered to me. I want to say that this was not the problem of seller too. He shiRead more...
Order Number 3001140769: Defected product sent
Reviewed Indiatimes
I am bound to write this review against shopping.indiatimes.com due to their fraud and pathetic service. I have ordered 3 items against the order number 30011Read more...
LSB-672445 order is still not dispatched
Reviewed LetsBuy
My name is Ashish Sharma. I have ordered the following products on 30th November 2011 from Letsbuy.com through Credit Card EMI. My order number was LSB-672445Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
The new update is that I did not get my money back yet. I filed two complaints on the above said portal but they closed themselves. Still no resolution and now I am looted with my money. http://support.askmebazaar.com/support/tickets/3360 http://support.askmebazaar.com/support/tickets/6237
already posted complaint but no resolution yet
Followed avnishkverma , dhyadav879 , guptagopesh , bharatabhinav948
Commented on emailsandy's review
I also purchased the same policy and everything was fine as I was continuously in contact with the representative who called me up. She had taken care of policy and it was dispatched and received too.
Rated on emailsandy's review
Still no resolution given by the website. I lost my money.
Commented on sourabh187's review
Yes this website is a fraud company and also have a pathetic support. I also ordered on mobile and they sent me defected one and still after more than a month it was not replaced.
Rated on sourabh187's review
Rated on jhinku123's review
Commented on krisv's review
Not entire family. They lost even a lot of other people with this great review.
Rated on krisv's review
Commented on varsha30tiwari's review
Their support is really pathetic.
Rated on varsha30tiwari's review
Its amazing to watch that still these guys are not willing to reply my query, they already replied two reviews which was submitted after this, but they did not care of this review. I strongly recommend to not to purchase from this website anyhow.
Rated on deepankar.narang's review
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