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Member Since:Oct 22, 2015
283 MS Points
i am very simple person. travelling , Reading books ,magazine,News paper etc,
About Me
Food and Drinks: pur bengali dish like daal rice vegetable. drinks fruits juice.Books: Various kinds of NovelMovie Stars: Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay kumar, sometime Salman khan.Movies: sholey.T.V. Shows: Tarak mehta ki ulta chashmaMusic: jodi tor dak sume keu na ase tobe ekla cholore...Quotes: nothing to share but every sharing is intereting.
Food and Drinks: pur bengali dish like daal rice vegetable. drinks fruits juice.
Books: Various kinds of Novel
Movie Stars: Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay kumar, sometime Salman khan.
Movies: sholey.
T.V. Shows: Tarak mehta ki ulta chashma
Music: jodi tor dak sume keu na ase tobe ekla cholore...
Quotes: nothing to share but every sharing is intereting.
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Mobikwik is good for recharge
Reviewed Mobikwik
There are many apps for recharge but mobikwik is the easyest app. You can recharge your data Cards , mobile, dth etc. &Â Â pay your bill for gas, electricity biRead more...
Facebook is the heart of every Indian youth
Reviewed Facebook
I use Facebook since 2010, now a days Facebook is the heart of every Indian youth. Facebook is the most popular social networking site among other other sociaRead more...
When release this is no 1 smart phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S II T Mobile
According to tech guru review CNBC awaz 2011 Samsung  galaxy S II is the no 1 smart phone but now a days nothing is no 1, every day launch new new ekse BarkerRead more...
Vodafone how chit me
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Vodafone  is a multinational British based Tele company. Its networking providation is very good. But now a days it provide some wrong with me. ItRead more...
Indian fastest growing network
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
Indian fastest growing network thats gives lots of fun with family and friend. Idea super challenge series is very amazing. Network is very good Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on GlobalCitizen's review
Many bad thing
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Commented on parineeta_26's review
Report report report
Rated on parineeta_26's review
Commented on rajeshkumarreddy1's review
How brilliant person your are doing job
Rated on rajeshkumarreddy1's review
Commented on atulcool92's review
Transfer money is Rs40000/- it's very high
Commented on kratirajoriya28's review
Reality reality reality
Rated on kratirajoriya28's review
Commented on adityabalsaraf16's review
Nice Information bro
Rated on adityabalsaraf16's review
Commented on hkarambe's review
Soniya bhandup you are very lazy
Rated on hkarambe's review
Commented on bswaps's review
Agree with you
Rated on bswaps's review
Commented on dushyant2408's review
I just have this type of. .
Rated on dushyant2408's review
Commented on tusharnirbhavne's review
Very bad experience
Rated on tusharnirbhavne's review
Commented on Anu_Xp's review
Thank bro for Information
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