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Member Since:Sep 10, 2010
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Reviewed Bajaj Discover 100
I have purchased this bike last December 2009, done around 9000 Kms, without any major problem.Except for the paint job of crash guard, saree guard which is pRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on Rahul_91's review
Dear Rahu, Please avoid driving your bike with clutch engaged, Use clutch only when required to downshift/up gears. i have seen clutch plates usually lasts up to 1 lac kms.
Rated on Pragna291's review
Commented on snagblue's review
Dear snagblue, I had purchased this bike in the year dec 2009, odometer reading as on date is 41,000 Kms. My bike still gives me a average of 65kms to 72 kms till date, the expense incurred till date is regular oil changes at around 2000 kms (oil filter Rs 23 to 30/- depends on brand, Motul 20w 4 Read More...
Commented on dino777we's review
Dear Dino, what you have written is true, and the general feeling is Bajaj Bikes are troublesome after a couple of years of use. I own a Bajaj Disco 100 dtsi , 32 Months old, 40,000 kms on Odometer, still gives me 70 kms till date without any issues, except regular oil changes, Planning to upgra Read More...
Rated on dino777we's review
Commented on infosafety's review
Dear Infosafety, You can change your insurance company, before the expiry of the insured period, you will have to fill a simple form with information related to your vehicle, such as (eng number, chassis no , reg no etc). to be submitted along with a duplicate copy of RC book and old insurance pap Read More...
Commented on kpateltaurus's review
My dear Emptor, I own this bike for last two years, (Nov 2009 Onwards ) covered around 31,325 Kms as on date, still my bike gives me not less than 70 kms per litre , but i drive my bike quite reasonably ( speed between 45 to 50 kmph, no harsh braking, no unnecesarry chaning of gears for overtak Read More...
Rated on kulpulz's review
Commented on kuldeephomelite's review
I have been using this Bike since 02 years (review Posted earlier) till date have not faced any problem,except regular oil changes, brake pad changed, speedo cable changed, have not changed chain & sprocket yet , done 26000 kms till date,This bike is a no frill bike for day to day commuting, for a m Read More...
Rated on ultimaterenjith's review
Rated on kravireds's review
Rated on deepansh891's review
Rated on mujahid7828's review
Rated on Raghu_ambattur's review
Rated on dev77's review
Commented on dev77's review
AS Koolnath has mentioned I have seen unicorn owners searching for spares at local spare part shopes like AMBA Agencies , Jay Auto who are considered main dealers/stockist of spares at Kochi Kerala. People pays a premium plus waiting period for around six months to ten months to get their dream mach Read More...
Rated on st_rajkumar's review
Rated on publickobatao's review
Commented on vinothkarur's review
Boss Nowadays i don't believe in Brands, I believe in my own FATE
Rated on cautious's review
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