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Delhi /Amsterdam
Member Since:Aug 27, 2003
0 MS Points
About me? Hmm... lemme think, even though thinking is a concept alien to me. I had a revelation recently. I realized I knew nothing about myself. <b>Do You??</b> I could go <b>on</b> and <b>on</b> and <b>on</b> about me but that would say <b>nothing</b> about what I am. There is an ounce of me in each one of my reviews, so if you read them, perhaps you might to some degree, get to know the <b>real</b> me. <b>Until then... </b> The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. <b>B A N G !</b> <i>(- Ezekiel 25:17)</i> . <i> O sweet everlasting Voices, be still; Go to the guards of the heavenly fold And bid them wander obeying your will, Flame under flame; till Time be no more; Have you not heard that our hearts are old, That you call in birds, in wind on the hill, In shaken boughs, in tide on the shore? O sweet everlasting Voices, be still. </i>
About Me
Education: Trained Jedi
Review of the Day (0)
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Who created the monster ?
Reviewed Monster
The term monster is used or misused a lot in our society to describe human beings who are cruel and merciless and show little or no reRead more...
Kill Bill - not quite - But Still
Reviewed Kill Bill Vol 2
Kill Bill. Sure dude, but who in the name of sweet Jesus is Bill? So far he has been lurking in the shadows pulling the strings in the background. Not for lonRead more...
Kill Bill Uma Will
Reviewed Kill Bill
kILL bILL Volume 1 I cant think of any film released this year that can even hope to generate as much hype as Kill Bill has. Speaking for myself, the fRead more...
-::- Movie of the month (Sep '03) -::-
Reviewed Spirited Away
Once again I embark upon this mission of presenting seldom talked about movies to people, movies, which are brilliant but almost unheard of in India. In my prRead more...
-::- Movie of the month (Aug '03) -::-
Reviewed Buffalo Soldiers
Buffalo soldiers: Whats the first thing that comes to your mind? This must be something to do with the American civil war. No not at all. Oh No ! anotheRead more...
-::- Have we learnt our lesson yet ? -::-
Reviewed Recalling September 11, 2001!
September 11 was an event which shook the whole world. It was an event which touched everyone in one way or the other and people all over the world condemned Read more...
Reviewed Iraq - General
If you are reading this review (which you are, otherwise you wouldnt read this... er.. anyway), and thinking this is gonna be a 2 page tourist brochure Read more...
Jeepers Creepers 2 - might be good for U
Reviewed Jeepers Creepers Movie
Jeepers Creepers 2 Jeepers Creepers where do ya get them peepers... Remember that one? Right ! Our old friend the creeper is back again and this time youRead more...
Of ghosts and pirates
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean
Yo ho ho Pass me that rum Ahoy me hearties... Reminds you of those wonderful mythical figures.. Yes the pirates. A little info abouRead more...
The best B'wood movie currently
Reviewed Mr & Mrs Iyer
In what is yet another exceptional effort by the acclaimed director and writer Aparna Sen ’’Mr and Mrs Iyer’’ is the story of a BrahmiRead more...
Koi Mil Gaya - Mera mouth sil gaya
Reviewed Koi Mil Gaya
Koi Mil Gaya. hmmmmmmm... Kaun mil gaya ? One thing is for sure, director ko paisa mil gaya. Please dont mind me being so cynical. It all stems from meRead more...
Tomb Raider - the desperation
Reviewed Tomb Raider 2
Hi Everyone, Before I begin let me tell you that this is my first post to this site. I watch a lot of movies not only Hollywood and Bollywood but cinema fromRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Cousin2's review
Rated on dj143's review
Commented on suyog's review
expected this one to be good. Personally I did suspect that Tom Cruise in a bad guy image won't really cut it. Entertaining comments section ;) So you have already started taking lessons then I guess ? hehe Radel
Rated on suyog's review
Rated on rexsjain's review
Commented on nikamma1112's review
So the chemistry is whack u say ? even with all this brouhaha in the papers everyday about Vivek and Ash chemistry. hehe Will give it a go probably. Keep writing Radel
Rated on nikamma1112's review
Rated on laikar's review
Commented on j0han's review
I too really miss the Snake man.. All the other Nokias I got after are full of moronic games.. win or lose don't matter. Nice one. Radel
Rated on j0han's review
Thanks for being a breath of fresh air. People like you are in the dying minority here. hehe Your views are your own and aint nothing bad about that. I have similar feelings about the 'oh so divine' writers. Welcome and keep writing mate. Radel
Rated on duleep's review
Rated on hamsikusu's review
Duly noted. Agree with your last few lines very much. Does anyone ever even stop to think of the millions of Russians who died ? Russians are one of tho most discriminated against races too if you ask me, be it Hollywood or the west in general ;) Not taking anything away from the Jews of course.. Read More...
Commented on blaster's review
You almost reminded me of myself. hehe No I didn't live in B'lore as long as you, neither did I have THAT many complaints but yes I could identify with a lot said in the review especially regarding public transport and movie theatres. I was quite miserable the first few months, but you know what I Read More...
Rated on blaster's review
Rated on ryder's review
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aayanshsharma795 (@aayanshsharma795MouthShut Verified Member)
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