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Member Since:Apr 30, 2004
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Education: sds
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Rok Sako Rocks!
Reviewed Rok Sako To Rok Lo
Rok Sako To Rok Lo is a contemporary blend of good actors, actresses, director and crew…Rok Sako To Rok Lo comes in as a surprise package. The movie hasRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on knock_down's review
Rated on sanskriti's review
Rated on doxer's review
Rated on princethomas's review
Rated on jaszi's review
Followed aruna_k
Rated on life1oxygen's review
Commented on life1oxygen's review
The entire analysis on IIPM written by you is based on suspicion, doubt and imagination of perception. How can you gauge a college just by attending its entrance test. Also remember, all Biharis will always be remembered with their star mascot Laloo, however you hard you try otherwise!
Rated on coolguy0072004's review
Commented on coolguy0072004's review
A. Because he wanted to go where no man had gone before! It does not matter at all abot how the test of an institute is conducted as long as the college can provide all other things properly. The entrance of most other colleges are far poorly managed. You shud not worry on that front and could have Read More...
Rated on manishvd_81's review
Commented on manishvd_81's review
.. could you find a perfect world that listens to your philanthrphic and noble views!!!! You are immature and can be forgiven for a childish write up. Take some counselling from some experienced experts, but they will charge you!!! You will then again crib!!! Your aim in life is to succeed, but not Read More...
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