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Member Since:Aug 12, 2007
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Summarizing Swift
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
Go ahead & buy Swift "X"xi if you are ready for the following: Downside features: Sounds: a. Rattling noise from the front suspension(as if the suspensionRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on lokajit's review
Commented on sourabhmouthshut's review
Suggestion: To overcome reverse gear transmission problem, try shifting to reverse gear without applying brake (as would be possible in most of the cases). :)
Commented on codontek's review
Frankly, the method that you have adopted to demonstrate the braking power of Swift is not correct. There had been an inherent problem with Swifts sold during 2005, which later Maruti has rectified, but still the problem prevails. Also your test in fact shows that the stopping distance is more than Read More...
Rated on lokendrasaini's review
Commented on TheBG's review
I found a solution to this reverse gear shift problem. Whenever you are changing to reverse gear, ensure that you don’t step on the brake. Doing this make the shift so smooth, that you hardly can hear to any noise during the process.
Commented on hari_mouthshut's review
After all these.. I agree with hari_mouthshut. I own a swift and been using it for about 2 years now. As hari mentioned, It suffers from Poor pick-up (unless u step on hard, more with lower gears not caring much for the mileage till u catch-up with an old santro guy), poor-leg space for a hatch- Read More...
Commented on abhigandhi's review
How is a Tubeless tyre advantageous on highways and expressways? To my knowledge, it's often difficult to get a deflated tubeless tyre repaired(or inflated), since many road-side tyre shops (on Indian highways) don't know how to do that. Am I right ??
Commented on Raj_car's review
If you are ready to neglect the suspension problems with swift, I think VXi with ABS would be the best option(though ABS can be optional if you ply about only within city limits). It would certainly give 12 km/l in Bangalore (with speed petrol). Sagar Automobiles(Bangalore) is better compared to any Read More...
Commented on sunjay1972's review
Great debate!! But it's a proven fact (based on numerous instances - 8/10), that Swift suffers from front suspension problem. Even the service dealer cannot do anything about it. This problem can be attributed to bad(& the so called new) design. I am against the statement that Swift is beyond any ot Read More...
Commented on bpratheseh's review
Even I bought my 6600 for 9.6k during Nov-2006 :) You can get a resale value of Rs.4000/- if can try with the Nokia dealer. I am sure.
Commented on own review
Excellent Review and an eye-opener buddy !!! Please provide us with more reviews ...
Commented on scud_2007's review
Hi, I do exactly have the same list of problems that you have mentioned plus a constant shattering noise from the dashboard. My sincere advise: Never go to Bimal(whitefield, bangalore) to fix such minor issues. They ask you to leave the vehicle for a paid service(even for such small problems), and Read More...
Commented on gargeeboy's review
And go to Hyderabad, I assure u'll find people spitting 'paan' on ure vehicle.
Commented on rohit_saxena's review
Well, I could get a mileage of 17.24 Km/L on a non-stop race from Bangalore to Hyderabad(580 Kms) with my Swift VXi, with A/C on throughout, with Power Petrol. I think prompt gear shift with speed (at high speeds of about 90-110 Km/h) is the key. This apart, care to set correct tyre pressure (at tim Read More...
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