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Member Since:Oct 23, 2007
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Swifty Swift Vxi
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
Well, I own a Swift VXI petrol and has clocked 5000kms till now -from August2007- November 30th2007) and this is what I would like to say about itRead more...
IndicaV2 DLS-Good car
Reviewed Tata Indica V2
Hello, Ive had the Indica V2 DLS model from 2003-2006. I wanted to share this with you though ive sold it out and settled for Maruti Swift VXI.FiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on santhoshkumar_ooty's review
Good review.simple and straight.Shows you're angry about the car. Thanks Adi
Rated on santhoshkumar_ooty's review
Rated on ibmrex's review
Commented on own review
Well dear mrtvm, you really don't seem to understand the purpose of this blog/website.It is meant to share ones opinion about a car/bike he/she owns.I just shared my view on vxi and zxi. Incase i don't know what i'm doing with my car,maybe you can teach me what should be done and what you do wit Read More...
Commented on Raj_car's review
Hi, I’ve been using swift for 5 months now. Never had the so called suspension problem. The cons as mentioned by you on mileage is inappropriate. I don’t think a car of that size would give 16-17 kmpl in city traffic. I get 14kmpl in moderate to little heavy traffic. I’ve been on many long tri Read More...
Rated on chrisna's review
Commented on chrisna's review
Hello Chris, I would like to highlight some points on your review. Outerbody - whatever car you take, outer body is just alike.If it was to be sturdy and tough, no car would probably be fuel efficient. Rattling noise: Please check the tyre pressure.Why you buy a swift it would roll out w Read More...
Well Xanshu, We can say that Zxi has few more features than Vxi. Rest is all same.It has alloy wheels, automatic climate control, ABS. ACC may be needed to some extent.ABS-well i don't want to comment on that as i really don't know what it is.I can say that i city it is of no use as the sp Read More...
Hi Indygo, thanks for your answers,and i've an idea with the parcel shelf that i would like to share it with all the swift owners... Incase you don't buy the original maruti rear parcel shelf and you've a problem like i had with the parcel shelf bought outside that makes the hatch door is Read More...
Commented on anandkane's review
Hello, Swift is not an underpowered car. Try this: Check the slack of the belts and other oils.There can be other reasons for low pickup.Try Xtra mile. When you start in the morning,don't press the accelarator as the MPFI engines rev up high to bring down the pollution.Wait for a few seco Read More...
Commented on kumarvij's review
Hello there Vijay, Ofcourse the MUL dealers are a bunch of idiots.You should have brought the mishandling by the dealer to the media (newspapers) and write a letter to the MUL head office stating that 'Take the car back and i'll pay extra when you take it'.It sometimes works out.It worked for m Read More...
Commented on praveenz's review
Hello there, That's a nice race story.Why did you let go the accelarator in the last seconds.You don't have to do that though you're an amateur racer.If you had not done that you would be the winner.By the by did you folks race with a/c on -:).It looks more like a comparison between swift and Read More...
Commented on yogeshjk's review
I agree to a little extent with you.I owned the same machine and you can read my experience i've posted.It might be that you received a car with manufacturing defects (all are not blessed with a better piece.You knwo what i mean).I too had had some difficulties with it,but the good part of it covere Read More...
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