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Member Since:Jun 23, 2005
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My T-Sonic 610C is gone DEAD
Reviewed Transcend T Sonic 610
Hi friends, I have bought the T -Sonic 610C 512Mb on July 2006 in Bangalore. I was very proud of the player as the sound I foung was better than Ipod. But laRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on puskardoc's review
The vehicle price pinches you most in the first two years (max). Whether it is the petrol price (for petrol cars) or the premium price/EMI (for diesel). A diesel vehicle price breaks even at 30K km (approx). It is the call an individual has to take based on how long it takes to cover 30k. The other Read More...
Commented on 1pradeep's review
Hi Pradeep, Thanks for pointing out the holes in already sinking ship. You missed to mention the legendary "BSNL Customer Care". I have a 100% failure rate.
Commented on sivaaz's review
The BSNL CS is a joke!! The reps. are clueless on the offers. They are still chewing on the oblolete offers. Requesting to talk to seniors doesnot exists; almost. (for me it took 3 days of regular trying and waiting). Most rediculous part was that, after three days of intensive tries to talk to a se Read More...
Commented on facebookkk's review
Go to the nearest Authorized service centres. They have far better workmanship and transperancy. Your free service is valid there too.
Commented on rajesh231's review
Try out Eco Star. It is advanced and costs less.
Commented on Kickster's review
Hi Kickster, Other than the mechanical faults which phone do you think doesnot have graver issues than this one. You can go to all other leading brands you can find a chunk of features missing or only partially implemented, and above all NO UPDATES. Not a great phone, accepted; but justifies the pri Read More...
Commented on shibin_k's review
Unfortunately I went on a working day... Terrible experience... 4D theatre was closed, so was other rides. Was asked to take ride of roller coster, twice. My wife and kids didnot ride once. Shear waste of money. Water rides are just broken. Thought it was a big mistake. Best thing being the McDona Read More...
Commented on rd0205's review
Avail the facility of Authorized Maruti service nearby your residence. They are par excilence with any thing like pratham. They shall call and confirm you for any big expenses. They hear to your dissatisfaction post service. I got my side beeding replaced to new/proper ones free of cost (as the one Read More...
Commented on maheshkrishna's review
Dear Mahesh, Sending a kid from one appt(home) to another appt(school) doesnot make sense. Please try out Ankur montessory near Big Bazaar. I am quiet happy with my kid's progress.
Commented on pankaj_saini2001's review
Hi Route66, The differences in engine is interesting. But you missed out the facts like 'gear ratios', engine refinement, wheel size and aerodynamics which effect the top speed. A higher rev-ing engine generates more power; but limited by engine life and engine noise. Above all, the maruti's and Read More...
Commented on ckrishnamoorthy's review
You can post your complains in http://www.ebharatgas.com/ebgas/pages/general_feedback.jsp?state2=Karnataka.(Select correct options). It works.
Commented on manojgn's review
hi Manoj, Try upgrading the firmware version to v40.0.0.05. Seems it has lots of bug fixes. I found this is the cheapest touch phone with 3G, wifi and 'Video Telephony as well'. Yes the restarts and hangs are common; but being S60 OS you get a plathora of free/stable third party applications (unlike Read More...
Commented on animeshj's review
Animesh, just by attending a presentation getting 2D3N stay in a resort; is tough to digest. If you had been selected in lucky draw then why the membership push? Plz keep away from any such marketting gimmic. Many of my friends got stung by similar gimmics like free plot and what not; at the end eve Read More...
Commented on MayuriSharrma's review
I bet the girl with crooked set of teeth would have the said the 'same words'; had anybody(kasab) been there on the podium.
Rated on mouthshutsanjay's review
Commented on mouthshutsanjay's review
I too am facing the similar problem with Bharat gas KRpuram (prateek). Firstly you can book only after 21 days and after booking the delivery happens after 12 days; i.e. your each cylinder should last atleast 33 days. In my area they deliver only on Sundays. If one sunday not deliver you have to wai Read More...
Commented on arunapuja's review
BigTV seems to be in policy of 'to live and let others die'... You can find same problems for all other vendors... Long live the local cable-walas. Use their settop box. The features are as good, much reliable and fault attending is <1 day (ofcource 1 call).
Commented on rajendersaini's review
I think it other way... Why do you think a Company is selling 1000cc car at the price of 800?? Public sab jaanti hai... Congrats for new car !!!
Commented on shblr92's review
Pls try bsnl prepaid. Only difference instead of shops you have to visit BSNL office. For me it took 10 mins. to get a sim. The sim is preactivated. New schememes like ’bindas’ (Rs. 54 with sim) provides 1 sec pulse. I shifted from Airtel to BSNL as Airtel signal is very poor in my house (CVRaman Na Read More...
Commented on animesh.sinha's review
New finding... Hyundai seems to have multiple vehicle insurances. And all are not cashless (incase of claim). Dealer will give the one which they get maximum commision. Another trick !!!
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