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Member Since:Mar 11, 2003
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Education: student
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Perfect blend of style, power and comfort!
Reviewed Kinetic Honda GF 170
WITH the first 100cc motorbike hitting Indian roads in the late 1980s there began a silent revolution in manufacture that was to completely change the mindsetRead more...
Terminal Velocity
Reviewed Kinetic Velocity
Kinetic Engineering has recently launched a new bike, the Velocity, their very first foray into the executive segment. It is a competitively priced commuter mRead more...
I hate this scooty
Reviewed TVS Scooty
Hi All: Some of you may find that the title of my review is a bit harsh. But it is a fact. I really hate this scooty. My older sister had bought one so I useRead more...
Reviewed Kinetic Zing
This is my first review on mouthshut. but I have been visiting and reading other peoples reviews. In fact, when I was considering buying a new scooter fRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on mahens's review
Rated on sureshg's review
Commented on praveenbhade's review
good review, summarized the bike well... but i disagree that the price is too high... because if you compare it to any imported bike its a great price. i mean you can get like a 8 year old bike for more than this!! anyway kinetic service is ok too
Rated on mlv2002's review
Rated on kuppachi's review
Rated on simplemagic's review
Commented on simplemagic's review
nova 135 really rocks.. miles ahead of activa. best scooter in india. no doubts.
Commented on funkysamantha's review
sorry to disagree but i like the nova very much. its no problem. also your review is very irritating to read.
Commented on mai_selph's review
automobile ownership is always fraught with things like this in our country bec roads are very poor and petrol quality is terrible. if u have misfortune of filling at a gas station where the petrol is adulterated, you get screwed . anyway i got a zing for 2 years and its given me zero trouble..
Rated on mai_selph's review
Rated on hetalm's review
Rated on relish's review
Rated on sauron's review
Rated on devman's review
Commented on devman's review
your complaint seem to be about a particular service center, and you admit that the Zing is a good vehicle, so yr review is not really about the Zing.. if the vehicle is good you should recommend it. Anyway, what you have written are generally common in automobile industry and service etc. its alway Read More...
Rated on suthasankar's review
Commented on sekhar_velocity's review
60 kmpl is good mileage. you cant expect more. what is your other complaint? seat too narrow in front, side stand etc are very minor issues, dont blow them out of proporition in your mind. you ve bought a very good bike, you should enjoy it. REally the velocity, i think, is the best motorcycle a Read More...
Rated on sekhar_velocity's review
Rated on mobikeman's review
Rated on gnanasekhar's review
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