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Member Since:Nov 27, 2002
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Reviewed Parineeta
&* && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * * & && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * * & && * & &* && * & &* && * & &* && * & Read more...
C'on Move !!!!!!!
Reviewed TVS Scooty - ES
When I joined college I thought of buying a 2 wheeler. when the proposal was put , mum rejected at once. finally after a lot of crying permission was granted Read more...
Hungama #@!$
Reviewed Hungama
Hungama...... name seems so nice & appealing but wait a minute....make hungama at your own risk. I ve heard that there was a time when it was in its heights wRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Followed cunningmind , zubs , keerti_007
Rated on skarloie's review
Commented on keerti_007's review
Hey buddy... A very nice review... esp coz its about my fav author's book :) I have read all his books and all of them are worth reading - JLS, One, Bridge Across Forever...
Rated on keerti_007's review
Followed cvrmouthshut , haroonhmarikar , mouthshutdotcom , samsat , Cticize
Rated on mario's review
Rated on sydney's review
Rated on ia_young's review
Commented on haroonhmarikar's review
Very true buddy! Last year I took Srilankan Airlines to Malaysis - Singapore & I'm more than satisfied with their service. I too wish them Aye Buwan!
Rated on haroonhmarikar's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on aerosol's review
Rated on Cticize's review
Commented on Faerie's review
The movie was amazing and so was your review. I could not stop laughin as each scene in ur reminded of the movie. I have seen it 5 times now and don't mind watching it again...
Commented on samsat's review
That was a wonderful review and I'm glad to comment on it. This is a movie with a class that provokes you to think over the unimaginable world of schizophernics. It gives you space to form your personal opinion on the end, or rather, start of Mithi's Real Illusionated life.
Rated on samsat's review
Commented on amit_agy's review
A well written piece that does more than a review is intended to do - Enlightens! A good question on Patriotism and a thoughtful answer. Yes, we don't need to do haalla gulla to promote the feeling of patriotism. What one requires it to trust in Humanity that believes in a free and full life for Read More...
Rated on amit_agy's review
Rated on Faerie's review
Commented on Ice_Cream's review
Hey buddy, thanks for this review. Well did you seriously liked Celina's acting??? If you say this is her improved acting, I wonder how she acted in Janasheen!!! Good I did not watch that. Thanks :)
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