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Member Since:Oct 26, 2008
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About Me
Education: BE
Food and Drinks: VegetarianMovie Stars: Rajkumar, vishnuvarrdhan, Rajinikanth
Food and Drinks: Vegetarian
Movie Stars: Rajkumar, vishnuvarrdhan, Rajinikanth
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Palio or Swift
Reviewed Fiat Palio Multijet
I am planning to buy a car and so far I have test driven Swift VDi, Ritz VDI and Palio multijet SDX. I am looking for a diesel car and my budget is 5.5 lakhs.Read more...
Value for money and mind
Reviewed LG SCARLET 32LG60UR
I bought this TV last week, whichever LCD tv you buy it looks bad with ordinary cable, you have to accept this when you buy a LCD tv.Plasmas are way ahead in Read more...
Muscles definitely matter
Reviewed Hero Honda Hunk
My Bull after 8000 km I have driven my bull for 10000 plus kilometres now its the right time to do some review of the bike. Last year when I bought this bikeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on gs_amith's review
Rated on Rajveer123's review
Commented on Rajveer123's review
I own this car for a year now and it has undergone 3 free service, I have not paid even a single rupee till now. The service center guys may tempt you to go for some unwanted things its upto you to believe them or not. This car has no comparison in its segment although the sales dont justify its qua Read More...
Commented on hariprasadmce's review
My apologies if you feel bad, Maruti cars are always preferred by Small town and Village people this is a well known thing. GM cars have majority buyers in big cities, unlike other cars. People who look for non-maruti cars probably dont think of resale but think of quality. But comparing Astar with Read More...
Rated on hariprasadmce's review
So you arrive at the conclusion that somebody looking to buy Spark or i10 should buy A-star. A-star is a pathetic family car against an i10 or Spark. I am really sorry that you are confused to this extent that even after highlighting the good things of Spark against i10 and A-star, you say A-star is Read More...
Commented on GaganSrushti's review
People often fall prey to the dealers on accessories, there is nothing like genuine accessories because whether you chose the dealer or an outside vendor they will use the same brand. The dealer price will always be 30-40% higher and they say they give warranty. On my experience I can say that an ou Read More...
Commented on benchpress's review
An eye opener for all car buyers who think i10 is the only great car. One thing we find very common in i10 reviews is the plastic quality, does one have to buy a car only for plastics, is it the only benchmark should not be right ?. Figo has the best space and interiors, Beat has a very refined engi Read More...
Commented on Somnat's review
Spark has the best suspension and ground clearance in this segment (better than i10, Santro all other Maruti cars). Drive them to believe it. I dont know about your driving skills but definitely Spark is not like you have mentioned. It has a very good lower end torque so frequent gear change is n Read More...
Commented on SD2006's review
Wagon R is an under rated car. It's still the second best selling car after Alto. Dont worry about the plastics, there are lot of dash sparys available in the market, just one spray and your interiors will look brand new. You have made the right choice, just enjoy a great riding experience. Maruti S Read More...
Commented on johor's review
Unfortunately people in India are driven by craze, what you have said is absolutely true.
Followed bluffmaster090 , siddharthanannuri
Commented on chintanvasavada's review
You can use WD HD media player. LG LCD's play movies only in .avi format. Also try Amkette media player
Commented on bathalaprathap's review
This TV is a big hype, place it next to a Sony normal LCD TV, you will not need any specialist to tell which is the best.
Followed ruvvy
Commented on JkDaniel's review
I have been driving this car for the last 4 months on a regular basis, it has the best suspension in this class (A2 segment), best in class vehicle maneuverability at high speeds (i have tested at 135kmph), very fuel efficient and lots of driver friendly features for the price tag of Rs.4 lakhs.
Commented on sumbultahir's review
I have a PS- LPG version. I have driven for 3500km so far and getting a milegae of 14(without A/c) in city on LPG.I recently did a trip of 700km on Bangalore - Mangalore stretch. From Bangalore to Dharmasthala,it gave me a mileage of 13.5 on LPG with A/c and 5 people. I constantly drove at speeds of Read More...
Commented on krikah's review
Other option is get the top portion of the dash painted in grey color(as in old spark) from the dealer. You will get a dual tone dash.
Commented on deeksha_dembla's review
Spark is a very good car. Recently I did a trip to Dharmasthala and Subramanya with 5 people. On LPG with A/C it was crusing at 110kmph on Kunigal-Hassan road.It handled the roads in shiradi ghat very comfortably. On return journey again we were constantly touching 110kmph.It gives me a mileage of 1 Read More...
Commented on ckldel's review
Gear shifting is probably one thing GM has to consider improving on this beauty. I am driving this car now for 6 months, still it haunts me sometimes.Otherwise its an excellent car.
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