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Member Since:May 24, 2007
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Education: engineering
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on prasannapati's review
Commented on prasannapati's review
@all.rounder , well the point you mentioned is good , I dont know this particular case, but in many cases afforadability may not match with career . e.g one of my friend is also a call center emp having 4 yrs of exp and package is 24lacs per year .
Rated on mohanR's review
Commented on mohanR's review
what the advantages & features you have wrote ARE the basic features of all modern day OS like Mac OS 10 , Suse linux 10.x , solaris 10 .... windows XP is a good upgrade from earlier windows versions but its advantage lies elsewhere which you did not mention .
Commented on spikeguard's review
why 'Note : Grab a seat as far from the screen as possible' ?
Rated on akshay89's review
Commented on basu_moumita1's review
yes right , even they cheat in the download limit , like I calcullate my data tranfer through another software .which clearly shows I have downloaded / uploaded 3 mb . but thier calculations are different . along with tata indcom this is the worst ISp
Rated on saratkg's review
Commented on saratkg's review
samething happened for us also sir , Youtele is the worst broadband service . noone should take it . Tell other youtele users before they go for it .
Commented on akt42002's review
we are doing our plan for our south india trip in oct-nov this year . thanks for all these info .
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