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Member Since:May 17, 2009
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Sweet Engine With Great Balance And Comfort
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I have clocked 7k km so far on my new cb unicorn. Overall I am very satisfied with quality and engine but I wish honda introduce another unicorn with with 20Read more...
My review after 20k km usage.
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
I bought wagon R lxi as my first car. at 3.5lak on road, not a bad car. But I regret my self on buying this vehicle. Because I could spend more bucks to buy mRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on aakashp25's review
you will need of more bhp when you hit highways. fz is still better in city and highways than anything honda offers at the price. why care slight less mileage when we get more pickup and thump ?
Commented on parvas24's review
how can this be replica of cb1000R in any department. engine is same tweaked unicorn engine. some design changes, reduced weight and they call this new bike. honda still not satisfying power commuters. They need to fill huge gap between trigger and cbr250r.
Commented on yesbee3121's review
comfort ? gs for sure.
Commented on gururaj343's review
Hi, how did you get it tuned for power ? can I do it myself ?
Commented on ursmdnpavna's review
it is true that pulsar, fz etc beat unicorn in speed generally but bajaj has more bad points than unicorn like vibrations, engine harshness , bad handling etc. fz is good but I hate small rear seat. fz comes second to unicorn in engine smoothness. honda does not have dc headlight so brightness de Read More...
Commented on pavan1649's review
change gears at 3k rpm or what you feel best. some even change at 4k rpm to gain more quick speed
Commented on dkshtdk's review
what you tell about handling is not true. I have found it too good and amazed how well engineered bike design is this. I feel very confident in taking sharp turns even at speeds.
Commented on Suri_pulsar's review
handling and engine far better in unicorn. if want more power, why not get cbr250 or duke
Commented on havi7878's review
unicorn is better than pulsar in very department except top speed. if you are looking for 150cc bike, consider unicorn or fzs (little low mileage but better pickup) . don't waste money on any bike less than 150. I had splendor before and after riding unicorn I realize how bad bike I was using be Read More...
Commented on justingrg4's review
you must have made some error when measuring mileage. unicorn never gives more than 55. if you get more than 50 get tune your carburator . it must be on leaner side which can harm your engine.
Commented on nitheesh99999's review
don't get fooled . unicorn is tuned for city purpose and not meant to ride above 70 even after break in period. mine also gives slight vibrations beyond 60km/h. if you hit highways often get 200cc bike . I prefer cbr205r .
Commented on arrkanth's review
what nonsense. none of your claim are true bro
Commented on amit26585's review
don't buy any of 100 or 110 cc bikes. they are junk
Rated on arrkanth's review
Commented on ajay20101985's review
pulsar can not be called a motorcycle. its a junk waste of money having worst balance, worst engine refinement, worst comfort. only fools buy it bajaj has no problem finding fools.
Commented on aakashp2500's review
choosing motorcycle depends on usage. karizma has its own use and customers. as per my experience unicorn is for those who rarely ride above 60 or 70 speed. it has good mid range which get weak as bike ages that means it is good for just city. most of 150cc bikes are considered commuters. it cou Read More...
Commented on ayyamperumal's review
honda's latest cb unicorn has very very restricting top speed. begins to cry from just 60km/h speed. struggles a lot at 70km/h. if they had put 6th gears, it could help a lot for city tuned engine.
Commented on devhoney1980's review
I suggest unicorn
Commented on prajakt_23's review
thanks for the review. I'll stay away from RE.
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