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Member Since:Jan 27, 2003
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Education: student
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Kash aap hamare hote!
Reviewed Kaash Aap Hamare Hote
Babbars films Ltds Kash aap hamare hote is a love story produced by Nadira Babbar and directed by Read more...
Tujhe meri kasam..............
Reviewed Tujhe Meri Kasam
Ushakiron movies Tujhe meri kasam directed by K . Vijaya Bhaskar and produced by Ramoji Rao is a love story with several entertaining Read more...
Kucch to hai...............
Reviewed Kucch To Hai
Balaji Films ltds Kucch To Hai....is inspired from the hollywood filmI know what you did last summer........It has tRead more...
Jeena sirf mere liye
Reviewed Jeena Sirf Mere Liye
Yes ..........the Hit pair of Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai pair up once again in Jeena Sirf Mere Liye.............Although the movRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on blured's review
One line for u - You are retarded!!.......because the movie was really good and shahid looked so cute !
Commented on teena_sri's review
whatever u may have to say about the movie.....i still feel it was a really good movie and shahid kapur was awesome!.....i liked amrita and shehnaz as well!...Shehnaz was really good and acting according to her role in the film!...I feel everyone should go watch this film!...Reading such reviews wil Read More...
Commented on mouthshutdotcom's review
it was a really good review!...I agree with u completely!!....Thw film was awesome!....but i feel if the film was worth watching it was more because of 'tusshar'...he looked so cute..!...not that anita anita wasnt good but tusshar was equally good!
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on thesunny1's review
Commented on thesunny1's review
Azzahuruddin ...might have been good ...but i havent really watched him playing too much!!......... so i really dont know...but .according to me Rahul Dravid is the best!...HE is the cutest and sweetest player of all!.........he is probably the reason y i like watching cricket so much!
Hi sunny ..atleast for once ...a good review!.......something I agree with!......It was a useless film which i feel no one should watch!....and Aditi Govitrikar is just retarded!!
Rated on pree_16's review
Commented on Jeremy1456's review
Hi I really enjoyed reading your review!....I have read the book too and I Really liked it!.......so continue writing more reviews! Bye Esha
Rated on Jeremy1456's review
Commented on Koshish's review
Hi!...I liked your review at first when i had just started reading it!....but when i came to the tusshar part.........i just felt whatever u said about him wasn't right!.....I really like him and i think he is a great actor!...and there is nothing to hate about him!and ya he was really good in kucch Read More...
Commented on achougoo's review
Hi!....I didnt like your review one bit!............................as i think Tusshar is awesome and so i dont like hearing anyhting bad about him!...and ya nor is he irritating!.....I feel he acts really well and also looks cute!and he is a good enough reason to go see the film!
Commented on own review
u R EALLY WEIRD beacuse first u said u didnt like the movie ! and now u r saying u like my review!
Commented on samur420's review
I really liked ur review!.Atleat one good review so far!!..... and the best part of the film was Tusshar...keep writing Esha
Rated on samur420's review
Commented on priya_cool's review
Priya just forget what other people have to say!GOOD REVIEW.....U DONT HAVE TO IMPROVE AND NEITHER WILL U GET THROWN OUT!
First of all dont call me huni......or anything like that! and secondly y would u look forward to my reply??...i dont right jokes or anyhting to u ...that u wait for my reply!!anyways i will stop writing here very soon because people r just going to make fun of us!...and they r going to call me reta Read More...
I dont care what u consider this to be!!...but all iam saying is i will stop writing here if i have to !!...only if u stop talking about tusshar.......as u r probably sick of writing back to me!!!
Followed leonhartzz
Hi...............well to tell u i dont enjoy fighting with people ...iam just forced to fight with u because u r an idiot! and i will continue to fight with anyone who says anything bad about tusshar!
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