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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:Nov 25, 2003
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Education: BE
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YO Paramount!!
Reviewed Paramount Airways
The moment I received my ticket from the ticketing counter, a Valet greeted me with a not-at-all-plastic but very real smile, which was a welcome break from tRead more...
India - partly shining
Reviewed India Shining Commercial 2004
The ad that has been framed by the Government of India to promote its achievements comes as a double fruit in a single hit! it also serves as a campaignRead more...
Great then but now?
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
When AirTel bought SkyCell in Chennai, much was expected from one of the best cellular service providers, but things may not be that rosy now! AirTel is the fRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on srsrsr's review
Last part of the comment was extremely useful!!
Rated on srsrsr's review
Rated on rajasagar's review
Commented on bhavein's review
Good review. I too find Airtel servicemen to be of high quality and good customer orientation. I was just about to buy an AirTel DTH and this review has helped me immensely.
Rated on bhavein's review
Commented on kspv's review
An excellent review! Neither too techie nor too lame... just giving us the right information! Thanks to you kspv!!! After reading your review, I have planned to go for JBL speakers GT963 & GT0427.. yet to decide on head set., Could settle for a good Pioneer or Blaupunkt set.. Thanks a t Read More...
Rated on ramc23's review
Commented on ramc23's review
Which Airline allows 35 kgs?? Please let me know so that I can also travel in that Airline! Most airlines don't let us take beyond 20 or MAX 25 kgs... only for frequent travellers, they allow upto 32 Kgs... And the way the review has been written... oh puhleaze, puhleaze use spell-check to correct Read More...
Rated on padsub56's review
Rated on Justin_Blake's review
Rated on soni_gemini's review
Commented on soni_gemini's review
Who is this intellect ranting about Sahara in SpiceJet comment column? Jeezzz, please check your eyesight soon!!!!!
Commented on shiawase's review
I completely agree with this friend who has narrated his experience on baord an MAS flight from KUL-MAA. I too had a similar experience. I guess thay under estimate all of Indians after seeing cocky behaviour of a few Indians. But, we do have to accept how cocky some Indians behave on board a flig Read More...
Rated on shiawase's review
Commented on premjit's review
Hello friend! Excellent review. Soon after reading your review, I felt like having travelled myself in an Air Sahara flight :) Do write such great reviews pal!! Cheers!
Rated on premjit's review
Rated on G-raptor's review
Commented on G-raptor's review
This is a sick review.. Speaks nothing of Jet Airways service. The mistake could lie with the writer too since we Indians are known to say one thing and change it too often. And moreover, the language of the writer itself proves how less mannered he could be. And, being a CA is of no relevance to t Read More...
Rated on spuranik's review
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