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Member Since:Feb 04, 2003
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Education: College
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Hard Facts!! Rely on Reliance!
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Some Hard Facts about Reliance Mobile: 1) Based on CDMA technology - A digital 3G network..for any of you with any idea about telecommunications, keep the woRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on whoisright2000's review
Commented on sirajbose's review
The phone does look very delicate, but I'm sure i've dropped it a number of times not to see it completely open out and the battery pop out(like in the Nokia 3310/3315) The stiff buttons are very much true. I guess the T9 implementation is different for different mobile phones. Nokia's T9 interface Read More...
Commented on own review
1.) Due to a TRAI Restriction, WLL phones aren't allowed to use the same number while Roaming between circles. To overcome that, there's the different number implementation. Most GSM phones these days, use a new number technique for different circles too, to cut down on roaming costs. However whatev Read More...
Commented on whoisright2000's review
..Do you know English?!! I think you should learn english before you learn to be a 'Critic'
... In using your Reliance Phone (do you really own one, or just pass comments?) cause ISD Activation is a feature readily available on R-World -> Tools -> Dial Codes.. and gets activated within a matter of seconds.
Commented on sladdha's review
..And Check it up once more! The type of data access is 'packet-based'.. i.e. only when data is to be retrieved from the site does it make a 'data call', download the data, and then disconnect. So as said, during Idle times, when no data is being retrieved.. the phone is disconnected and not in a Read More...
Commented on iComment's review
CDMA is Packet Based Access, that you talk about. That is, it doesnt need to maintain a synchronous stream.. but rather data can be sent asynchronously in 'packets'.
Rated on kspv's review
Rated on barus's review
Commented on barus's review
Reliance has not 'officially' launched its service as yet, which means you cant expect the level of refinement in a finished product. What you are undertaking is an assistance in a small testing procedure.. you get free calls, you help them get statistics. The DAE sales-force was a flop, Mr. Ambani Read More...
Commented on mit3's review
The Roaming concept Reliance gives is known as Multiple Registrations, and is a perfectly legal solution to the Denial of Roaming to WLL operators. Say you are in Mumbai, your Reliance number is 31000001, which is local for Mumbai. Now if you go to Delhi, you get a ’’Multiple Registrati Read More...
Commented on callhrishi's review
You must be one of the jobless DAEs who got nothing better to do, but write foolish reviews on Mouthshut. For your information, I read that Reliance was cutting down this individual sales-force (DAE), and kicking out DAE's who had failed to perform well. Its a very reasonable move, since your DAE w Read More...
Rated on callhrishi's review
Rated on fountainhead_sandy's review
Commented on jonam_t's review
The Roaming concept Reliance gives is known as Multiple Registrations, and is a perfectly legal solution to the Denial of Roaming to WLL operators. Say you are in Mumbai, your Reliance number is 31000001, which is local for Mumbai. Now if you go to Delhi, you get a 'Multiple Registration' number - Read More...
Rated on mit3's review
Rated on raghav_28's review
Commented on samarthg's review
1.BSNL is the only other BIG Company in the CDMA Sector. Reliance is going to steal a major share of their CDMA customers, so they are playing with the land lines. 2.As above BSNL is fooling around, in an 'anti-competitive' way. 3.Unless you dont read the paper, you probably have been reading abou Read More...
Commented on ackava's review
Like they say, The Pen.. err.. Mouse is mightier than the Sword! I have many people backing me up on this one.. so you better not enter any 'cat race'(??) .. coz you're gonna lose. Do everyone a favour, and stop thinking the whole world is some Conspiracy theory.. whether its RIM, ATM, Blah blah.. Read More...
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