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Member Since:Dec 24, 2001
0 MS Points
I'm an Administrator for a wealth management firm, who is quite disenchanted (to put it mildly) with her job. My eventual life goal is to teach political science at the community college level. Kickboxing, reading, writing, exploring different cuisines, debating...
About Me
Education: B.A. in Political Science
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Stuck in automatic? Try a shift in perception...
Reviewed Automatic Gear Vs. Manual Gear
Once upon a time there was a 26 year old girl who was learning to drive for the first time.  She was relatively poor, although she was about to receive a smalRead more...
Pepsi lost the Pepsi Challenge twice...
Reviewed Pepsi
It is so hard to describe just how much I hate Pepsi-- to me it is evil incarnate, and that is about the kindest way I can put it :-) So, heres my littRead more...
It tastes just like malted battery acid!
Reviewed Coca Cola
Title, courtesy Berke Breathed, Bloom County cartoonist. Youd think from this title that I really detest Coke. Nothing could be farther from the truth.Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
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Hi, Rich! Thank you so much! :-) Have a wonderful New Year! Rock on, Elizabeth
Commented on ramenons's review
I wonder why the mileage is so low (of course, I'm trying to do the mileage conversion from km/l to miles per gallon, and am having some major problems...)... Then again, there are some tiny cars in the United States that get lousy mileage. The Daewoo Leganza is one of them. Hmmm... Rock on, Read More...
Rated on ramenons's review
Commented on vimal_kalyan's review
but I saw the movie. And, I can confirm for a fact, that the lawyers as depicted in Grisham, are exactly the same as in day-to-day life... I know, because there were a ton of pre-law majors in my Political Science program. Unfortunately, all of them showed the same amorality, and love of the mate Read More...
Rated on vimal_kalyan's review
Rated on rajashilpi's review
When I saw the topic, I just had to put in my two cents. Funny thing is, in the States, automatics and sticks have about equal market share. Then again, with massive fuel subsidies, gas is cheaper here than in much of the world. I think that's why you see so many huge SUV's around here-- Lin Read More...
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