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Tamil Nadu
Member Since:May 29, 2012
40 MS Points
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Big time fraud | must avoid for corporate booking
Reviewed CabBazar
Booking ID : 435927, I had taken their service after paying their cab driver . I had sent a email requesting for invoice and later they send a reply to that eRead more...
More headache and less Insure
Reviewed New India Assurance Two Wheeler Insurance
Claim no: 71360031170190000218 Initially I registered through online claim request and waited for 3 days, there was no response. When I called their customerRead more...
Brain dead customer care
Reviewed Daikin Split AC 1.5 Ton
I had complained that my air conditioner is not functioning properly and followed up with 4 calls to customer care . Later they asked me to call the branch anRead more...
Billing fraud | One BIG CHEAT
Reviewed ACT Broadband
Account no. 103015599527. I had been cheated by ACT billing team, close to Rs. 1200. I had taken the connection on 26th Nov16 and wiring was done on 3Read more...
Fake products & tough refund process
Reviewed Shopclues
My order no:  48674865, I had ordered for Nike Air Max 2013.  when I received it and found the quality of  product very poor. It was impossible to walk with tRead more...
100% Systematic Robbery in India
Reviewed Rediff
I wonder how they can continue to do business in India. I bought a Sony Xperia Z mobile from rediff shopping, order no: 10145050 . when I received the productRead more...
Rediff no.1 cheating company
Reviewed Shopping.Rediff
My order no: 10145050. I have been cheated by rediff. I am unable to get my refund and also made complaint to Chennai Cyber Crime Police. Hopefully with theirRead more...
LG fakes the market with cheap products
Reviewed LG 22LU10UR
I bought LG Jazz TV few years back and currently the TV is not functioning because of its picture panel. Their authorized service center reports that the pictRead more...
Fake package
Reviewed Carnation Auto - Chennai
Packages offered by CARNATION is to attract customers & fool them. They do not have any skilled labour and service complain never be addressed properly. Its aRead more...
Scam site
Reviewed BharatMatrimony
The sales representative loot the money, they would give numerous calls until we make payments. There is no clear communication from the site on offers made bRead more...
Cheated by makemytrip, money not refunded
Reviewed Makemytrip
Booking through makemytrip and hotel not accepting the voucher had been a frequent case for me. When I visited the hotel, they informed me that the hotel is cRead more...
Snapdeal is now cheating
Reviewed Snapdeal
I had ordered for external hard disk. Its been more than 7 working days and my product not been delivered. The customer support need 48-72 hrs to find who theRead more...
Never buy airtel
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
No transparency in billing. Poor customer support who never think about customers *Try various method to harass customers by giving multiple calls from differRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed CabBazar
Rated on V_JAIN's review
Rated on finalcut's review
Rated on kshitij_s81's review
Commented on MakeMyTrip's response
Stop cheating Till date you had not done the refund and you had claimed that the complaint is resolved. How it is resolved when you have not given my money back. Who are you cheating ????
Response to your review
Commented on own review
This was my conversation record with your representative on 18th Feb'15 : 150218-018974, PINKY . It had been more than 48 hours and my refund not been done. Who are you trying to cheat. I had taken many company to consumer forum and got my money back. I would wait till 25th Feb'15 and if i do not Read More...
Not trusting again This was my conversation record with your representative on 18th Feb'15 : 150218-018974, PINKY . It had been more than 48 hours and my refund not been done. Who are you trying to cheat. I had taken many company to consumer forum and got my money back. I would wait till 25th Feb'1 Read More...
Rated on fightforurrights's review
Rishabh Gupta (@CabBazarMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anjan Kundu (@anjan.kunduMouthShut Verified Member)
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Adnan Khan (@khanadnan570MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ambar Tweniont (@ambarkhonaMouthShut Verified Member)
Avishek J (@avishekjMouthShut Verified Member)
Karthik Dv (@karthikdv089MouthShut Verified Member)
Jason Campbell (@nohornetsfanjcMouthShut Verified Member)
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Piyal Mukherjee (@piyal.mukherjeeMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shriharsh Bhat (@shriharshbMouthShut Verified Member)
Drumil Modi (@drumilMouthShut Verified Member)
Ashok Gupthan (@ashokjain1958MouthShut Verified Member)
Mahesh Rayakota (@rsmaheshMouthShut Verified Member)
Deependra Kumar (@deepsachanMouthShut Verified Member)
Mahipal Reddy (@maaheapaalMouthShut Verified Member)
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Gourav Ahuja (@gouravahuja8856MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 13
Gita Madhu (@gita.madhuMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 190
sameerrcoms (@sameerrcomsMouthShut Verified Member)
Weddingwith English (@weddingwithenglishMouthShut Verified Member)
Janith Chauhan (@englishwritingtipsMouthShut Verified Member)
Adam Thomas (@AdamThomasMouthShut Verified Member)
Manav Narula (@MakeMyTripMouthShut Verified Member)
Mukesh Gupta (@mukeshguptaMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 27
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Bhaskar Bose (@bhaskarlakshmiMouthShut Verified Member)
Rajendra K. Gupta (@cityjuMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12
Kishor Salvi (@KishorSalvi503MouthShut Verified Member)
Rajiv E (@rajiv22MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 516
Prable Pandey (@pandeyprable88MouthShut Verified Member)
Satindra Paul Singh (@satin4evergMouthShut Verified Member)
M00re (@M00reMouthShut Verified Member)
Mukesh Patel (@MukeshSachinMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 42
Vishal Bhat (@bhatvishal100MouthShut Verified Member)
Siba Prasad Nath (@sibaprasadnath65MouthShut Verified Member)
LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
Murali Ramakrishnareddy (@abhibus1MouthShut Verified Member)
anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
Anjali Shandilya (@DS_MAXMouthShut Verified Member)
D J (@djugranMouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Goel (@deegees11MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr.Nishchal Bhatt (@nishchalbhattahMouthShut Verified Member)
aayanshsharma795 (@aayanshsharma795MouthShut Verified Member)
Frederick M (@ferdeickMouthShut Verified Member)