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Member Since:Apr 02, 2007
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Education: Diploma
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A Big example how FNY cheating us
Reviewed FashionAndYou
I am attaching photos of same saree on two sites , you can compare price your self , is it discount shopping ? Fashion and you is displaying same saree by anRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on BabitaPegu's review
really babita I had almost same bad experience. I have stopped purchasing from them from almost 1 year, this time one of my friend bought something and I got 1000 rs so i tried my luck again on FNY , I bought a saree ( which they claim RS 2190) -1000 ( voucher) =1190+100 shipping =1290 . and what th Read More...
Commented on piyushgoel's review
I agree ..... I lost my trust way back some months ago as I dealt with same kind of behavior by this site , I never went back to this site and I also appreciate 99labels and brandmile , they are really good site and their customer care is also very good and concerned .
Rated on piyushgoel's review
Rated on pinkishah2001's review
Rated on md.khalidjamal's review
Rated on nbajaj440's review
Rated on nidhiviswanath's review
Commented on amsogani's review
all positive reviews are done in very careful language, and I can even suggest that they all have _ added in their user ID , which are very work of professionals using multiple ids :)
Rated on amsogani's review
Commented on own review
and both of you s_neha and sheela_j please give me your mail id so that I can also forward you these mail :)
dear Neha will you please read this mail properly ...... this is simple copy paste from my gmail account ....... I dint asked for refund from FNY ....... I am just telling all you people , to see , how there customer care work ............ twisting of metal of a screwdriver is FAULT OF QUALITY ..... Read More...
Rated on aanchal02's review
Rated on anshu1708's review
Commented on shaikh.manzoor's review
Yes I bought a toolkit and its metal twisted in its first use ........ very bad quality .
Rated on shaikh.manzoor's review
Commented on aanchal02's review
It seems FNY reply more often here then there mails ......... I also want to put a complaint of very bad product they have sent me ....... I ordered a toolkit from revenn and it was of so cheap quality ...... metal of screwdriver twisted in its first use .......... and another product wall mount o Read More...
Commented on prishapandit's review
I dont know if , if I put my complaint of FNY here ........ because there is no other place , FNY have no contact .. no emails replied ever ... no phone picked etc etc . My order was originally contained two product .... Fny send one package that clearly state that it have one product and there i Read More...
Rated on candyfloss's review
Rated on neeraj2gowith's review
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