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Member Since:Oct 26, 2005
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Education: Graduate ,I guess
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Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Movies,Masti and Magic is what the young generation believes in now-a-days. When all that is concerned is career,responsibility,living-a-life et al,when therRead more...
Horsing Around With Holden..
Reviewed Catcher in the Rye, The - Salinger
There are times when we feel that we should not have grown up at all.The childhood innocence was much better than the attitude,behaviour we now have towards fRead more...
Warned you NOT to drink!
Reviewed Handling Hangovers
Best way to prevent hangover this new year is not to drink at all.Practice abstinence or moderate the intake.Drinking is very dangerous, contains many toxic? Read more...
~@ Love is in the Air @~
Reviewed Notting Hill
She may be the reason I survive The why and wherefore Im alive The one Ill care for through the rough in ready years.. Read more...
Reviewed Neal N Nikki
INTERVAL SomeThing : Nothing , I told my gf that I will be watching Neal and Nikki today.Now I am thinking she may dump me for having such a taste! Nothing:Read more...
~@ All Picture NO Perfection @~
Reviewed King Kong (New)
The dialogues,screen time for actors,camera work,visualization et al constitute the body parts of a movie wherein each one has to be given the right amount ofRead more...
Psyche of a Psycho
Reviewed Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
There are young lads who admit in the friends circle that they like older women or aunties as is called.And there are older/men women who adore rather lustfulRead more...
Time to Fire IE??
Reviewed Mozilla Firefox
I was required to use two browsers because I had to make some adjustments in proxy settings whenever there was a need to logon to client m/cs and differRead more...
Its NOT just Kidnapping
Reviewed Apharan
Apaharan..is not just about kidnapping people for the sake of the money,The movie also conveys the kidnapping of the values and ideals of a person(a la Ajay) Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on abhi.s's review
Incidentally, Zidane is not new to head-butting..he did it atleast twice b4 in many matches,one instance when he was not provoked is here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_-_SR62uz0&search=zidane%20juventus%20 Nevertheless , he was/is a great player and a human after all who can go crazy/out of Read More...
Rated on ambassadorindia's review
Commented on indian1969's review
First it was the SC/STs...now that the so called SC/STs are already a secured vote...whom to target next...the OBCs...which constitutes a much higher chunk than the SC/STs or the so called elite Brahminical class Great going for congress I guess..a good view in the review too.
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Rated on jodihayes's review
Rated on magicalsummer's review
Commented on mbfarookh's review
An interesting read.I feel guyz would feel a little shy(yes yes..) to ask for a fair and handsome cream.They better will go for the usual creams available for the fairer sex or so I have observed!
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Rated on prasidddha's review
Rated on sarav's review
Rated on mainmonalisahoonna's review
I had similar feelings after watching this movie.Agree with you on almost all the points.Adding to it , it had the burden of an Aamir Khan movie.But then , the movie could not have got the opening if it was not for Aamir but his age is showing up and his acting talents were really wasted by having Read More...
Commented on Honesty's review
That was a hard-hitting piece. Conceptually the movie was good if one has to watch it as just viewers rather than critics.
Rated on Honesty's review
Commented on moviezombie's review
The best one I have read so far.Made me re-think on my opinion. Regards.
Rated on moviezombie's review
Rated on amateurabe's review
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