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Kerala, God's own country
Member Since:Sep 01, 2005
0 MS Points
I prefer my colleague saying, 'Thanks for the help' to my Manager saying, 'That's an excellent work. Congraats' !!! . Movies ================== I watch malayalam, tamil, hindi & english movies. I love padmarajan movies. i haven't seen DDLJ & Sholay. My pending list further include hello my dear wrong number, achu's mom, Ennennum kannettante. Novels =================== I haven't read a huge number of novels. But i do like reading novels. I spend my 2 hrs travel time per day (Due to B'lore traffic) for reading.. Puzzles ================== I like solving puzzles.. Nowadays not finding much time apart for this apart from the easily available 'sudoku'
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Education: is a lifelong process
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Fun :) But limited !!
Reviewed One Night at the Call Centre - Chetan Bhagat
Hi mates, For those who have already read the national best seller 5 point someone, there are two different ways of reading this book. (1) CompaRead more...
Nair was right !!
Reviewed Tuesdays With Morrie - Mitch Alborn
SOMEDAY IN THE LAST WEEK I had a discussion with my colleague Mr Nair about the good books which are not popular in India. In between we discussed about the bRead more...
Adults Only
Reviewed Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coelho
?ONCE UPON A TIME there was a prostitute?. This is how the story begins. Yes this is the story about a prostitute. I bought this book from Bangalore MG Road fRead more...
From Jos to Chetan..
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
Hi Chetan, So how was your get-together at Alok’s place? Hope you had fun.. This is Jos writing this review as I just finished reading ‘Five PoiRead more...
I wanna learn magic
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - J K Rowling
23rd November 2003 ---------------------------- ‘How was the CAT* exam?’, Aleena asked me. ‘I hope I can make it after 2 years’ was Read more...
36 short stories:'TWIST' is the underlined word
Reviewed 36 Collected Short Stories - Jeffrey Archer
I am not die hard fan of Jeffrey Archer. It did sound good when I heard about Archer’s short stories from my colleague. Well!!!! After reading this supeRead more...
NANDANAM --> Perfection of a director
Reviewed Nandanam
Unfortunate!! that this movie was not a super hit in the box-office. The altercation between the producer and distributor after the film preview, delayed the Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on diver's review
Commented on paulose's review
Hey amit, This is not Mr ya miss. you can tell this is Mr but Miss. Hi paulose, well written. I think Vikram or Surya will be coming with the remake of this movie...
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Rated on sun2006's review
Rated on Braandan's review
Rated on shielam's review
Commented on jeetu7's review
Hi Jeetu, I saw the movie. It was not upto my expectations, because my expectations were very high. The acting of lal and his son was great. The theme of the movie was also good. The second half was kind of documentary. Overall i give 4 out of 5 to this movie. And i do recommend this movie to all Read More...
Rated on jeetu7's review
Followed jeetu7
Rated on milky_bytes's review
Rated on sachien's review
I watched this movie on the release date. I feel that acting of Prithviraj is pathetic. He should have done better in the transmigration roles. There was a lotta opportunities for him in those scenes. But he failed to make advantage. Manoj was brilliant. The minus, of course, was the script. Anot Read More...
Rated on krazy4sonu's review
Rated on Rohit_Roy's review
Commented on indian1969's review
Hi, Congraats for ROTD. I will try to get hold of this book. Keep writing ~j0s
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