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Member Since:Nov 18, 2006
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Great resort near a mediocre beach
Reviewed Kelva Beach Resort - Thane
The resort itself is too much in the interiors and took us about 4 hrs to reach there from Dadar. But it was worth it, the location itself has a very rustic fRead more...
Don't go to this place, why ? Read the review
Reviewed Pancham Puriwala - Fort - Mumbai
One fine afternoon I was dragged to this place by some of my office friends, they swear by this place. Being a foodie I thought why not try this out? The momRead more...
At par with Lagaan if not better
Reviewed Chak De India
Chak De India Well, the only times that I had seen hockey sticks before was in the action-formula films of the 80s. There it did not exactly serve the purpoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on cyrusdcunha's review
This clearly looks like a paid review - an advertisement of this resort. Stop fooling us !!! MS team, please look out for such reviewers.
Commented on mokshjuneja's review
Thats a great website there, lemme go and check it out ...thanks for the review anyway
Rated on mokshjuneja's review
Commented on rajankashyap's review
I am using SE k550 for the past 2 yrs and simply love it...so was a bit sceptical going for nokia, but thanks rajan for yr reply , I am off to buy one now !!!
how's the music quality from the phone's speaker - is it comparable to Sony ericksson phones ?
Commented on amritakarnik's review
Hey thanks , i was just about to book this place. Now i'll have to go elsewhere
Commented on achougoo's review
This is of great help, especially if one is buying it for the first time. Well the old one was bought by my Grandpa
Commented on hkasar's review
Good review can you post the config also it will help us compare prices
Rated on debayanm's review
Rated on JaveedAhmedM's review
Commented on fenix's review
nice review man, will definately consult u when i plan to buy a bike. till then keep writing err.. riding
Rated on er360's review
Commented on er360's review
I am planning to go there next week end, have heard all my life about it.
Commented on abhi_acc's review
that was a good one, i'd recently visiited yeoor to dine at exotiica, we could not explore the place much as my freinds were scared of the animals that are know to kill people, but i do want to go there again with more adventorous pals
Rated on abhi_acc's review
Commented on electronic_guru's review
I have finally bought philips 3166 divx player with USB support. It's great and plays .avi and .mpg files efficiently. Will post a review soon.
good one dude, it dispels a few myths that people have about megapixles
Man you r simply grt, thanx 4 all d info and help. I m planning 2 buy a good dvd player with divx n usb support, can you recommend some good players
Rated on rakeshkonni's review
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