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Member Since:Jan 01, 2003
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Education: college student
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The Eleven Tan tana tan...
Reviewed Nokia 1110
Hi, Got this phone in april 06 for about 2700, had a bout of depression when it went for 2100 a month after that.. But buying a stop gap phone for a few monthRead more...
The monolith...
Reviewed Motorola SLVR L7
Supposedly thats what the motorola L 7s dimensions are said to be inspired from, a monolith in the movie A space odessy ( pardon if I got the spelling wrong).Read more...
The chappal Phone...
Reviewed Nokia 2650
Yup thats right, thats what my friends called it when they first saw it... Im a sucker for flip phones, and I had just lost my previous phone, saw this in theRead more...
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
Hi my friend bought a karizma in oct last year... 781 kms on the odo.. and he crashed it.. at 90 kmph.. broke a shoulder... smashed the bike... And this is hoRead more...
Low Pressure eSteam...
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Esteem AX Euro II
Hi... The All New Esteem was recently launched, a model which has been around for nearly 13 years, and Maruti still has the nerve to call it the All new EsteeRead more...
Wagon Our
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R
Hi.. the wagon R is a very practical buy for people looking at a small family car. The space is unbeatable that is if you can stand the looks. From breadbox oRead more...
ALTOgether a good car
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto LX
Hi the Maruti Alto Lx series was launched as a replacement to the 800 or for those who are first time car buyers and are a little bored with the 800 and are lRead more...
Passing on.....
Reviewed Hero Honda Passion
Hi. The Hero Honda Passion is a bike that has been around for several years now. Sharing the same mechanicals as the Hero honda Splendor only the Passion is mRead more...
Isuzu PanTavera....
Reviewed Chevrolet Tavera
The day the Tavera was launchedI was at the dealership in gurgaon to have a look asI was waiting for this machine myself. What amazed me was that there were 4Read more...
Adreno-lin packed... Shot missing...
Reviewed LML Adreno fx
Hi... as requested by one of you... I give in my input on the LML adreno... Rode on one for about a week, a friend had one... This was the Adreno FX. The oneRead more...
Ride into the New Faze??
Reviewed Yamaha Fazer
Hi....I accidentally came across the Yamaha Fazer whenI was at a yamaha dealership to buy a second hand reconditioned 88 RX 100. Yup! I had read about Read more...
Reviewed LML Graptor
Lets see... OkI took this bike LML Graptorfor an extensive Test drive... lets start with the mechanicals.... 150 cc... 13 bhp... 5 gears... not bad for its caRead more...
Decent performer
Reviewed Sony Ericsson A3618s
Hmmm after my previous phone, I went in for the ericsson 3618, well mainly because of 2 reasons, one I was bored of the 3310, which is the category it falls iRead more...
Reviewed Mitsubishi Trium Mars
Well I am off to college and needed a phone to stay in touch with my girl, so I picked this up second hand , for about 1700 INR, or roughly 33$, before I couRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on deepkishore's review
Commented on deepkishore's review
i think you are really frustrated with the service and customer support you got at a Tata dealership and are hence venting it out here. Your 'facts' are incorrect and misleading, for eg, the nano does not have a air cooled engine, its a liquid cooled engine like other cars, with coolant, a water Read More...
Commented on coolferry's review
do go through my review on the karizma, and remember its a powerful machine, more than what a first time rider should start with. And it will not do 0-60 in 3.8 seconds, 6 seconds is more realistic, because the top riders in magazines do it in about 5.8 secs. Respect your bike, and it will respect y Read More...
Commented on wynd's review
Well it seems like rather than writing a review of the 3250 u have tried to compare it with a V3i, and both phones incidentally support micro sd cards, not rs-mmc, so u might wanna correct that.
Rated on Cougar911's review
Rated on mactan's review
Rated on prateek2410's review
Commented on prateek2410's review
i dont agree, u seem to have concentrated on one part only, and if it is that bad, then why have u given it such high ratings in the beginning when u have to rate various features out of 5 points.
Rated on akashwins's review
Rated on praveenou's review
Commented on anu25's review
i think buying a nokia, despite all its features and bells and whistles is ok, till it does not give u any problems. Because the problem then is not with the phones, its again with the lax way of working, that we have in india especially delhi, that seems to be the culprit. best of luck
Rated on anu25's review
Rated on natu's review
Rated on vinodis's review
Rated on surprizin_me's review
Rated on Nirvana2Hell's review
Commented on own review
agreed, but the problem is in nokia it follows a fixed pattern of generating word options, and u get used to them, in the motorola, it generates the last used word first, and that calls for a lot of attention as compared to the nokia
Commented on svjayalakshmi's review
hi im a user of the nokia 1110 too, i agree with most of the points you put across, but a few things would like to point out. The 1110 does come with a hands free, does not have to be purchased separately. Advantages over 3310 and 3315- Mainly the size, but importantly the battery life the backu Read More...
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