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Member Since:Feb 23, 2010
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Will fly again only if I am completely broken
Reviewed Kuwait Airways
First impression of the airlines isnt very good for me, the staff at the check-in seems very untrained. I am an Indian and I have got a Indian passport Read more...
Worst thing I've ever done
Reviewed Reliance Data Card
I feel that choosing Reliance is the worst thing I have ever done. I was attracted by the plans and adds in which they have promised high speed internet with Read more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on kapoor.ashish1111's review
Rated on abhimanyu532's review
Commented on abhimanyu532's review
how long have u been using it? i am using it for the past six months .. n trust me i am facing problem ever single month..
Rated on xxxsunny_leonexxx's review
Rated on BeFrank's review
Rated on biswajitred's review
Commented on biswajitred's review
dude reliable? just do me a favor tell me how to track data usage details .. i am in 849 plan (night 10gb morning 1 gb) just tell me how to know the usage in morning n night separately... its complex as hell.. how long have i been using it? i guess u have never came across any problem by this bull s Read More...
Rated on kanwal741's review
Rated on aditya3000's review
Commented on aditya3000's review
how long have u been using it? have u had any billing issues ?
Commented on jd44's review
@abhi19july buddy how long have u been using it? did u have any billing problem? just call the customer care n ask them how to track the usage .. thats the one of the most complex thing u could here for a simple thing like checking ur usage...
Rated on jd44's review
Commented on own review
@sivabharavin good job buddy.. things that i cant believe is how come these problems doesn't come out?.. n how come people still falling far this bullshit.. n how come Reliance is the 'NO 1' network.. these things could happen only in India..
i dont have any wireless connection now.. in my room we share Airtel ADSL connection.. its pretty awesome... i thought of buying BSNL EVDO card..
Rated on yathish's review
@ris1294 even in chennai the speed is not much.. its just ok..
Rated on ravikiran_ayyagari's review
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