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Member Since:Jul 07, 2006
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New addition to family
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 LXi
Hello friends, My Alto-LXi (2009)is just a month old. It is too early to write a review, but thought I could share some joys of driving the Alto with you all.Read more...
Limpid pre-sales response
Reviewed Sah & Sanghi Auto Agencies - Mumbai
Experience with Sah & Sanghi was pathetic, to put it in short. They are an old auto agency whom I assumed to be of high standards, but my experience was contrRead more...
Lift it up
Reviewed Chak De India
Chak de India means Lift it up India. Great Movie! The other recent great movie with Sharukh was Swadesh. In both these movies SRK was less visible and the thRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
this is just to add a bit more to the above review: after doing full tank to full tank computation the F.E. turned out like 13 kmpl for city drive before first service. After first service the F.E. came to 15.4 kmpl on city (33%) and highway (67%) drive. More recently the F.E. on highway drive with Read More...
Rated on princejohnben's review
Rated on wherever_i_roam's review
Rated on atulhakim's review
Commented on Adfreak's review
Completely agree with the reviewer as I had ditto experience. Very good pre-sales service (I want to take the salesman out to dinner after I get my car from another dealer). Prices quoted for car higher than Maruti official price by a few thousand rupees. Cost of extended warranty again higher (Rs65 Read More...
Rated on Adfreak's review
Commented on abdriver2000's review
I took this review seriously, along with my own experience, and decided against booking my car through SAS. I wonder why did you book your bike with SAS after so much of inconvenience. I had never imagined such shabby treatment of a customer at a reputed dealer, but now I am wiser.
Rated on abdriver2000's review
Rated on terencealexander's review
Commented on Sachchibaat's review
Hi rtivari, Thanks for your reply. I also took TD of A-Star and found it rather awkward in the driving seat! The Alto I could maneuver like my bike. I also tried the Zen Estillo and wanted to go for it because of its higher power engine and more space. But I do not need that space nor power (I don' Read More...
Rated on mrbigb's review
Commented on mrbigb's review
Useful review. All cars have positives and negatives. I plan to use car for just two ppl on long drives (no city drive). I took test-drive on Alto (it returns high kmpl), and I don't mind the less space; but I found that a slightly bad road bad feeling in the cabin. My question is: do you find the X Read More...
Commented on Eddnil's review
Umm...fuel injection does nothing to weight of car, it allows to increase engine efficiency through computer control (ECU) of fuel-air mixture. Weight of car allows it to go smoothly over Indian pot-holed roads. If weight were to give stability at higher speeds then F1 cars should have weighed sever Read More...
Commented on vicksn2's review
Hi v, thanks for the review. I want to know about the reliability of Xeta. Many people claim that the car begins to squeak and rattle after some time. Can you please elaborate on this? Otherwise I find this car worth going for. Thanks and enjoy your car.
Commented on RAJAGO's review
Hi All, I quickly need some genuine information. No fighting please :) I am getting increasingly confused. Took a test drive of Alto (I don't want to look at Santro) and found it pretty good - better than I expected. But; I felt that the engine noise in cabin is a bit high. Expectedly so. In M800 t Read More...
Commented on sumanka's review
Hi Sumanka, Sitting posture comfort has to be matched between car and individual. Person A can find car P comfortable and car Q uncomfortable. Person B can feel just the opposite for the same two cars. There is one thing you can do that works better than pillows. You can put 'spacers' between the b Read More...
Commented on chn2006's review
Different people have different requirements from their cars, and each must take time off to study a car well before making a commitment. I was initially onto Indica but have drifted to Alto for its mileage and lower initial cost. Overtaking and speeding are not my requirements but a long cruise at Read More...
Commented on sgadgil1's review
True review. I took test drive and almost decided to shift attention from Xeta to Alto. Xeta is said to have ample power and ample space, but of poor build quality and rattles after a few K-kilometers. Found the Alto able to climb at fourth at less than 40kmph with AC on. I am considering the Estilo Read More...
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