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Member Since:Nov 15, 2010
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Education: B.Tech.
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Please think 10 times before taking a MTS postpai
Reviewed MTS MBlaze
Dear Friends, "I dont have any personal issues with any MTS employee." This is just outcome of mental torture, I am getting from MTS bangalore BillingRead more...
Shame to have such person in such a reputed place
Reviewed State Bank Of India
Today, I went to ==State Bank of India, Kormangala Branch, Bangalore ==for opening my Local Saving Account with all papers, So that "Branch Manager" couldnRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on RaghuKT's review
Rated on simsup's review
Commented on jamilzz's review
Hi, your post is really useful for me as I am also going to order there. I just want to know. if you got all papers like manufacturer's warranty or not? condition/color as well as performance of the product. Thanks
Rated on jamilzz's review
Commented on own review
Thanks Pankaj, but it is been almost 1 yr. Now before doing anything, I guess I have to collect strong proof against him. which I actually planned but then got busy in my office work. And couldn't finish that because my office hr and bank's office hr is same. At that moment and many other Read More...
Commented on taurean_Pragya's review
Think 100 times before going to Vibes. I m pissed off.
Commented on thereachable's review
I am a member of body & soul, kormangala.. for last 3-4 months. & I never faced any such problem. They gave me proper bills of all my payments. I had a complimentary beauty package (100% free as it was shown). & Had Facial, Manicure/Pedicure etc 7 services. I have also gone to Vibes, kormangala, So Read More...
Commented on bhanushree's review
I wish, I had seen this before going there. :( @bhanushree: FIR? wanna know the whole story.
Rated on bhanushree's review
Rated on fairy_star's review
Rated on pinks007's review
@ kazanrao.. I know that, I appreciate services provided by branch, in college.. Still they are quite helpful..
Dear Mr. tkharsha1985, First of all Thank u for your valuable comment. If I had yelled at him, I must have got an account there at that moment. I was/am calm that's why he is living his life peacefully, else I have so many other options to file a complain.. even in his own bank, and he can't Read More...
''HE'' is branch manager of State Bank of India, Kormangala Branch, Bangalore... sorry, I forgot to introduce him. He is a bald man u can find him very easily in that bank.
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