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Member Since:Oct 02, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a typical self acclaimed *genius* who loves LiNkIn ParK, sImPlE PlAn and WuThErInG hEiGhTs and a dozen other paradoxical things. Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with Veer Zaara? Another thing abou me : OBSESSION. I get obsessed VERY EASILY and I get out of my obsessions just as easily so I guess I would have to update my profile often since my likes and dislikes changes like the waves on the beach. Ok maybe not THAT frequent but whatever. I hate people who are not frank and people who beat around the bush. I like to take care of things in a straight outspoken manner. Another freaky thing about me is about how I am obsessed with astrology, of all insane things. Astrology=my longest obsession. I am a Scorpio and a very happy one too. Thank god I wasn't born under any other sign since I love Scorpio. I can go on like this for days but I will stop before you get bored and fall asleep in front of your computer. PRAVEENA . i love music, reading, writing, watching tv, and having my reviews rated!!! Oh yeah, I also love music, movies, lazing about, sleeping, talking and simply typing nonsense from time to time.
About Me
Education: student
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Perfect Portrayal
Reviewed Kannathil Muthamittal
Out of a whole array of films, this one stands out the same way a grand prize stands out among rows and rows consolation and participation certificates. Why? Read more...
*sUperbly sPecTacuLar*
Reviewed Veer-Zara Songs
I expected the music to be good, all right, but I never expected it to be THIS good to the point that I feel I MUST, SIMPLY must write a review on it after liRead more...
Reviewed Life of Pi - Yann Martel
LIFE OF PI by yann martel Life of Pi by Yann Martel was the winner of the Man Booker Prize 2002. And well, it deserved it. Life of Pi is one of the best bookRead more...
Wutheringly good
Reviewed Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
WUTHERING HEIGHTS by EMILI BRONTE Emily Bronte is best known for her only novel, Wuthering HEights and a collection of poems. In my opinion, Wuthering HeightRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on ShannonMary's review
Commented on asyis's review
wow. You sure got a lot of comments on this one. Ok, I am not from India or Pakistan but I am from Malaysia and therefore, i am like totally unbiased. Really, what do u get from hating Pakistan? And what do u get from labelling them as the most terrorised nation? it makes not difference. Right, and Read More...
Commented on qaidi_no_786's review
i am in pain after reading this review... pain from laughing to much like a hyena. You tore posters from the road for your room? wow, I am IMPRESSED (NOT). YOu know, i amreading almost all of your reviews. have great fun reading them and then laughing some more. Soon, the neighbours are going to com Read More...
yea, lets hope he saves more cloth. Must remmeber to call up all the actresses and tell them to take cloth saving hints from him. and Zoster BHAI??!!!! Are, zoster BHAI, you schould change your id to Zoster_the_bhai!!! just for Qaidi's sake. Imagine Zoster, whata posittion you are in. Shahrukh Khan Read More...
Rated on qaidi_no_786's review
oh wow qaidi, you must be a GENIUS!!! How smart and talented of you to notice how much cloth she is saving!!! How charitable of you to encourage her to save cloth!!!!! Kareena, feel free to save more cloth and make our Qaidi here happy. Afterall, you are more beautiful than his neighbour. I wonder i Read More...
Rated on VenuVedam's review
Commented on limeice's review
hey, useful review. Have you tried using glitter polish then topping it of with clear gloss or nail colour? looks really good even though i dont know what category it falls into. cya praveena
Rated on limeice's review
Rated on Chimera's review
Followed Chimera
Commented on own review
thanks for the comments and about the adoption, I just thought that maybe they could have told her when she was older. But then again, if she was told when she was older, the feelings of confusion might have been stronger, right? I didnt know that it got 6 national awards, suresh until u told me. I Read More...
Commented on preview_review's review
whoa. Looks like the category '5 worst reviews' have become sort of a 'I hate this person' category. Peace, people!!!! praveena
Rated on Cousin2's review
Rated on suyog's review
Commented on putush's review
yea. but for some people their sunsign doesnt speak of their character. There is where the proper study of astrology (with ascendent, descendant, midheaven and others) come in, I suppose. I am a Scorpio to the core and proud of it too. Great review. Keep writing. cya praveena (even my id says the S Read More...
Commented on v_swapna's review
hello. I too have read the book, in fact wrote a review on it too. Yea, i loved it too and Heathcliff was certainly unforgettable... Yeah, the sentences are VERY complex but I guess I had fun trying to figure them out and I just loved some of the comparisons. Great review. cya praveena
Commented on sonuranj's review
Rm 10 for a pirated vcd is not that cheap as u can get pirated vcds for Rm 6, too. nive review. cya praveena
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